I only learned to enjoy wine (red) about three years ago. Is there a red wine people/white wine people difference anyone can put a finger on? My mother likes white, and I think it smells like something with which you should only wash your face or sterilize dental picks, so I've always thought, maybe at 36, I'm still not grown up enough for white.
I about wet my pants laughing in "Sideways" when the guy threatens to leave if anyone orders merlot at dinner. Because I'm a big baby and I like merlot, it's so safe. And cabernet, and I had a really nice pinot noir last weekend. I'm sure the wine store dude thought I was such a hick -- he asked if I wanted a recommendation and I was like, "Um... I want something that's not too, you know, pointy." He said he knew what I meant and kindly advised me, but probably secretly thinking, You philistine. Give me your $27 and get out of my store.
And I love milk chocolate. Which is probably futher evidence that I'm not yet a grown up. I always wished I was one of those girls who likes dark chocolate and jazz and clove cigarettes, maybe wears a beret and understands abstract art. Alas.