More on trans fat

Started by Lise, Jul 30 06 12:06

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OK, gang.... if you want to avoid trans fat products, here's what to avoid:

  [FONT face=Arial]Major sources of trans fats
[OL] [LI]Cakes, cookies, crackers, pies, breads, and other baked goods  [LI]Animal products prepared in partially hydrogenated oils  [LI]Margarine  [LI]Fried potatoes  [LI]Potato chips, corn chips, popcorn  [LI]Household shortening  [LI]Salad dressings  [LI]Breakfast cereals  [LI]Candy[/LI][/OL] Also look out for:

  [FONT face=Arial]Read the label:
Other names for trans fats
[UL] [LI]Margarine (some contain trans fats)  [LI]Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil  [LI]Partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening  [LI]Shortening

Source: FDA Consumer Magazine, 2003.[/LI][/UL]  

 [FONT size=1]Read more: [/FONT][A href=""][FONT size=1][/FONT][/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Guess I'll just have to go and nibble the lawn for a while.
Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped.  They have not forgotten.


Then what are the foods without trans fat? Looks like everything is on that list.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


fruits and vegetables.

  looks like it is good to avoid the fast foods...

   The CTV and Globe and Mail study found that KFC's deep-fried chicken pieces (known as Popcorn Chicken) and fries meals had the highest levels of trans fats at a whopping 18.6 grams -- a level that if eaten daily may boost your risk of heart disease by nearly 100 per cent.

 Burger King's Chicken Tenders and fries meal wasn't far behind at 13 grams of trans fats.



Crap. Really about those popcorn chicken thingys I haven't had any KFC in almost a year but I've had the popcorn chicken thingy atleast 3 or 4 times. KFC eck, rather eat taco bell or del taco.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


mmm...popcorn chicken at KFC is about the only thing that I get.  awesome stuff.

Someone told me to NEVER get the fries at KFC.  She works there.  


I know people who work at mcdonalds. Seen how they make stuff, friend worked there and hasn't had mcdonalds since, and same here.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


You can get those products if you read the labels carefully. If they say 0 trans fat, it's safe bet to eat them. Just beware of products that list partially hydrogenated oil or saturated fat, even lard - those are indication that trans fat might be involved.

  I'm not saying you should avoid everything that has trans fat in them - it's hard because majority of items do have some form of it in them... just limit your intake.

  I've heard of KFC - they have one of the highest intake of trans fat in their oil. Avoid at all cost. Even their fries are not safe... that's why they taste so good.

  My friend worked at McDonalds and has never eaten there since working there years ago. The horror stories she'll tell you will make you a vegan in a heartbeat.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


ok, lets hear some mcdonald stories. i still eat their fries.

Rent a Cop

I used to work there back in the day, lets see if I can bring back some of those memories...

The pop fountain had an insect infestation for a few months.

If a tray of meat was pushed out of the warming cabinet on to the floor and no one was looking we would just put the meat back like  nothing happened.

The deep fryer oil for the chicken wasn't changed for days at a time.

On busy days the meat trays were not cleaned for the entire shift.

Some of the employees would go from emptying the garbage cans to making burgers without washing hands.... Hell now that I think of it, most of us did not wash our hand for anything.

The veggie burgers were regularly cooked without cleaning the meat juices off the grill.

One time we were playing frisbee with a bottom part of a bun, with it landing on the floor ect, and when it got busy it ended up as some ones burger.

Our meat freezer would break down every now and then so the meat would be defrosted for hours at a time before we cooked it.

And of course there was the classic spitting in the burgers of people that looked at us the wrong way.

That's it for now, I'll try to dig up some more later.


One of the many reasons why subway has gotten huge. You watch them make the food. No mystery meat.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Some Chick

McDonalds was the first job I ever had when I was just 14 and it was a great experience.

  Since we were young, we did a lot of immature stuff, like egg fights in the parkinglot etc., but there was never any tampering of a customer's food and the restaurant I worked in had a high level of cleanliness.  If it was slow, you were expected to be looking for things to clean.

  I always hear all these stories about the stuff that supposedly went on and wonder if they were working in one on a different planet.  I still eat McD's now and then because I DO know what is in it.


I know the ins and out of both taco bell and mcdonalds. Known lots of people that have worked at both. And yes I've heard some stories. So much so that it made one of my friends quit.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Shooot - Rent A Cop's story is enough to put me off McD for life. EEEEEooooowwwwwwww.

  My friend didn't say much about McDonalds. Only that they weren't the most sanitized despite the PR claim that everything is up to standard.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.