OK, gang.... if you want to avoid trans fat products, here's what to avoid:
[FONT face=Arial]Major sources of trans fats
[/DIV][/FONT] [OL] [LI]Cakes, cookies, crackers, pies, breads, and other baked goods [LI]Animal products prepared in partially hydrogenated oils [LI]Margarine [LI]Fried potatoes [LI]Potato chips, corn chips, popcorn [LI]Household shortening [LI]Salad dressings [LI]Breakfast cereals [LI]Candy[/LI][/OL] Also look out for:
[FONT face=Arial]Read the label:
Other names for trans fats
[/FONT] [UL] [LI]Margarine (some contain trans fats) [LI]Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil [LI]Partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening [LI]Shortening
Source: FDA Consumer Magazine, 2003.[/LI][/UL]
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