raerae is here, right? (re: Who deleted my thread??)

Started by Moolah!, Jul 13 06 04:18

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 Dive wrote:

I'm at a loss to understand what this means. Really, what the hell are you trying to say??

 [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]HOW DO SMITE AND SHIT DISABLED MINE f*ckERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Too many exclamation points is the sure sign of a premature punctuator. You should see a doctor about that. Or send some of those surplus exclamation marks to a 3rd-world country where they could use them. Either way, learning to type complete sentences would be a big plus.

Smiting: Your smiting isn't disabled, fool. You have to make a few posts before you can smite or bless anyone. I'll bet you can guess why that rule is in place....

I'd suggest you email the admin here and tell him that I'm giving you a hard time. Hell, if it's convincing enough, maybe you can get me banned or scolded or something.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


My goodness, you lot complain a lot about DV and then bring your woes and grumble here on DS. OH PLEZ!!! Enough already. I'm sick to death about blah blah blah deleting my thread, oh why are the mods such bitches..... for heaven's sake, the answer to all your problems is easy.

  IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY DV IS RUNNING, then for the sake of those who are sick of listening to your complains................L E A V E. There are plenty of other forums (DS being one of the best) that you can do your trolling-crap.

Your whinning and complaining won't do jack shit on DS so why bother?
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


[span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"]FUK HOW DO GET SO MANY MODS PROBABLY BUMPED IT f*ckING ASSES

[/span]The retard brigade seems to be alive and well. [span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"]


Alrighty. Who to slap first.

  First off, as Lise said if you don;t like it then leave. Most of you are under the impression that message boards (that are privately owned no doubt) are supposed to be replicas of a democratic and free utopia. Whine whine whine when your threads get deleted but in reality, when your idea and postings leave your finger tips they ultimately become the property of Mike and the people he has entrusted to police the board.

  You see, it is all fine and dandy to live in a fantasy realm where the mods give a crap, but you probably have a better chance of running into dwarfs and elves then find a high trafficked message board that has no control over the content that is posted.

Seriously. Many of you sound like kids that didn't get a second awce cweam cwone at Dairy queen.

  Give it a rest.  You guys can always come here and STAY. This way you guys can gossip and bitch to your hearts content without having to worry about Mods stepping on your inalienable right to screw with private message boards.

  I am guessing your next step will be calling Jesse Jackson and the ACLU?      


That point about the advertisers was a good one. I have always wondered why anyone would pay to have a banner ad on that filthy site. Do they even visit it? If they knew their ads were alongside racist b.s., sexually explicit threads and any manner of filth, wouldnt they just refuse to advertise there any more? Its simply bizarre. And the politics over there are completely bewildering. Its like a bunch of kids who just graduated from high school finally living on their own and running amok in the streets.
It is what it is.


Those who don't like DV related topics are not obligated to read them. [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_shy.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"][/A]

Move on to the next thread instead of attempting to DICTATE to others what you think should or should not be discussed on DS. [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_tongue.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"][/A]
*  Please unban me!! please please please  *


purelife wrote:
 I found out who has been posting as "Poolah!"  It's MIKE!  Not kidding you.  First, I had a very good feeling that Poolah is Mike because who would say that about you and I  (calls you and I a whiner).  The person has to be working for Mike (ie a mod or admin) or is Mike himself.


 Well, there you go guys.  Mike is f*cked up guy behind the freakin mess and I BET that he's been deleting random posts for the hell of it to get us pissed off.  LOL.  If I ever run into him......


 I'd like to believe that mikey has better things to do than foster and promote animosity on a board he paid money to own.

 Besides, there're other signs: For example, mikey punctuates like an 11 year old. He wouldn't even capitalize his own name

 So I'm pretty sure that Poolah character is none other than macademe herself. The syntax, grammar, spelling are all consistent with her style. I'd EXPECT her to come up with something like that. Even the supposed "put downs" are very consistent with her character and style.

 What befuddles me is that mikey, despite his juvenile attitude, is actually experienced in running boards and online communities - both from CV and later from CZ. I can't understand how he can't transfer his skills to running and managing DV.

*  Please unban me!! please please please  *


I agree with some of the other posters.  I don't think companies should be advertising on web sites that foster the amount of hatred that Discover Vancouver does.  If the Bulletin Board was a newspaper, none of these companies would be caught dead paying for advertising.  It certainly appeals to the lowest common demonominator doesn't it?  If you use the board for what it is meant for (to ask someone a legitimate question etc) you are immediately shouted down and abused by everyone.  The more I think about it, I would like to send links of some of the more offensive threads to their advertisers and ask them what their thoughts are on some of them.  I am sure that these companies all have minorities etc working for them.  As employers do they support the type of racism that is spewed through out the day?  One would hope not.
"Obviously crime pays, or there'd be no crime."
G. Gordon Liddy
