[h3][font style="font-weight: normal; font-family: Verdana;" size="2"]How long before the cops start waving this thing around in public, at movie theatres, impromptu roadblocks, the door to the public library...etc etc? Answer: "Not long".[/font][/h3]
[hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][h3] Meth Gun for drug detection [/h3] The "meth gun" looks similar to a radar gun but it's made to help police find trace amounts of dope. According to [a href="vny!://www.cdex-inc.com/pr/63006.html"]CDEX Inc.[/a], the $10,000 device is the first portable, handheld system that uses ultraviolet light to scan surfaces (most likely at close range). From the Arizona Daily Star:

[blockquote] The device works by transmitting UV radiation at a surface, causing any chemicals to release their "spectral fingerprints." It's a form of spectroscopy. When a chemical is exposed to UV radiation and releases its signature, the meth gun picks that up, CDEX scientists said.
This allows the meth gun to instantly scan for meth on a surface.
"We see this as an investigative aid," Foster said. "If I had been ingesting cocaine and then wiped it off, this unit would be able to identify the cocaine on that table or on my clothes..."
The devices being field-tested will test only for meth, but the mass-produced devices will test for meth, cocaine, marijuana, heroin and peroxide-based explosives — which are similar chemically to meth, company officials said.[br clear="all"][/blockquote] [a href="vny!://www.azstarnet.com/dailystar/business/138816"]Link[/a]