Morning all, I got whupped at monopoly last night after all of us went to Richmond Sushi.
Dim Sum and Chicken Feet.. I actually forgot about that till I saw Lise's post.
First time I went to Dim Sum and I went to a small place with a buddy when I used to work at Chevron. I had no idea what to expect, my buddy kept telling me it was great, all the food was awesome and they came around with carts so you eat as much as you want.
I had grabbed over ten dishes at one point, and I had enjoyed all of it, no idea what half of it was but it was good. So I noticed they had a cup like dish with two tall deep friend straw looking things, only at the top it went into a 'T'. I had no idea what it was but cause I havent had any problems I grabbed it. My friends noticed and asked if I was sure I wanted that.. I looked at them and said sure why not? So I took a big bite and started chewing... from crunchy, to leathery, to super chewy??? Then my teeth hit something hard.. and my tongue started wandering.. wtf? I spit out and saw bone.. and then saw the toes of the leg.. and my stomach started turning, the world started spinning. My friends got a panicked look on their faces and directed me to the washroom. As soon as I got near the door I started losing it.. and the whole restaurant knew something didnt agree with me. LOL. When I came out the waitress tried to give me damages charges when I hadnt broken anything... we paid our bill and not the so called damages lol. The best part was when I finally came out the restaurant was emptier.