So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Really ????  I didn't see it as luck at all.  I suppose in retrospect, using MY common sense was a gamble, but her baby teeth weren't 'malformed'.....they couldn't have been any more perfect......(not just a mother speaking  That's why the 'logic' didn't make any sense to me.

  I DO understand where you're coming from, Lise.  It's a heck of a lot easier to 'maintain' than it is to correct.  It's not my intention to 'dentist bash', but more to suggest that after taking all the right steps, to not dismiss your own common sense.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Good morning everyone.

  Boy, all this talk about teeth just reminds me that I've got to take out my 3 wisdom teeth.  At the moment, my bottom and some front teeth are crowded.  I have to get this done, once and for all.


Morning all!

  Brrr..... what a coooooold morning.

  I had all four wisdom teeth taken out two years ago. The experience was not too bad. The only thing that suffered was my wallet. Almost $2,000. YIKES! But well worth it, it was starting to bother me. Recovery was quick, I didn't even need any painkillers though my cheeks did swell for a couple of days.

  If you want a recommendation, just PM me, purelife.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Agree with the flossing thing. Its a hard thing to do on a daily basis though. It takes effort.

  Happy Friday!

Whatsup for lunch? I have leftover spag. maybe go for another stroll. Its sunny here today, although a little chillier than it has been.  


Yo CK. Happy Friday back at ya.

  What's for lunch? I think some congee is in order. Something liquid and hot since it's snowing. Brrr. I hate the snow.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Wow, you had 4 removed and it was painless!  Was it a simple extraction or was it a surgury?  Surgury would explain the $2000 cost.  I was told that a simple extracting isn't expensive.  My 3 teeth would cost under $400.  Luckily, my coverage covers it 100%.  I better do this now because I don't want to pay this out of my pocket..


Hi snow here....YET, but it IS yucky out.

  I think I may have lunch out, so it'll be a mystery until I get there.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


purelife wrote:
Wow, you had 4 removed and it was painless!  Was it a simple extraction or was it a surgury?  Surgury would explain the $2000 cost.  I was told that a simple extracting isn't expensive.  My 3 teeth would cost under $400.  Luckily, my coverage covers it 100%.  I better do this now because I don't want to pay this out of my pocket..[/DIV]
     We had no dental coverage. That's the sad part. My dental coverage only covers basic cleaning and filling but not extractions. I had to be sedated too which added to the cost. Both lower molars were impacted so they had to cut the gums to extract them. All dental procedures that involve extractions are considered sugery.

  If I were you, I would get it done soon, purelife. Do it while you still have dental coverage and you're young. It takes longer to recover when you're older.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I hate going to the dentist for anything. Maybe I developed a fear when I was young. My dad used to have these old rusty pair of pliars and use to chase me around the house saying he will save dental costs. Not to worry, it was all in fun and he is a super Dad!  


CK, you're not the only one.  We had grown men cry on the dental chair. And these are the guys who are big and tough looking, only to break down after getting a needle.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


I know.  I've just been putting it off because I don't like teeth extractions.  Everyone tells me that it's painless, so I'll take their word for it.  *sigh*  Ok, I'll call my dentist now to make an appointment.  He's going to tell me if it's a simple one or one that requires more attention.  He did tell me that extractions don't take long, like a few minutes per tooth?    


I'm wondering if you should ask for some details, purelife.  Perhaps the $400 quote is the no anesthetic/pliers method.  [img style="CURSOR: pointer" onclick=url(this.src); src="" border=0]

I'm a big dentist chicken too.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


hee hee... I just booked a Consultation for next week.  I pray that it will be simple and that my dental coverage will be ok with this.  Please pray with  me that it'll be a simple extraction?  My dentist told me that it looked to be simple when I met him but he said that he wouldn't fully know until he has seen my panoramic, which at that time, was in the process of getting it transferred from a former dental practice.

  Hey Lise, just curious, are dental offices uptight about sending records on former patients to another practice knowing that the patient left?  


I missed a post on the last page, about dipping soothers in honey, and thought I would post this.  I was shocked when I learned of this when my kids were little.  It seemed like it should have been more 'common knowledge' than it was back then.

    [FONT size=6]Infant botulism and honey[/FONT]

 Infants younger than 12 months are at risk of infant botulism from eating honey. Infant botulism is a rare but serious form of food poisoning.

 Honey is a known source of bacterial spores that produce Clostridium botulinum bacteria. These bacteria are typically harmless to older children and adults. But when ingested by an infant, these bacteria make a toxin that can cause infant botulism. It's unclear why this occurs in infants and not in older children or adults.

 Infant botulism affects a baby's nervous system and can result in death. Signs and symptoms of infant botulism include:

 [UL] [LI]Persistent constipation  [LI]Floppy arms, legs and neck  [LI]Weak cry due to muscle weakness  [LI]Weak sucking and poor feeding  [LI]Tired all the time (lethargy) [/LI][/UL] Botulism spores may also be found in undercooked food, corn syrup and even maple syrup. For this reason, feeding an infant any of these foods is risky as well.

Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


I never thought to even put honey on a soother? Why do people do this? To keep a baby quiet? Interesting.
