So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Lise wrote:
  I'm not really into minivans as such (I hate the image of the soccer mom) though.

  I guess you are above that image hey?


Definitely. Sexier than the word VIRGINAL.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Damn. It's going to be quiet around here. Like the sounds of crickets............... *sigh*
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


We can make a little noise when we put our minds to it
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


So... whats for lunch
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Lunch. Fried rice. That's the only thing I can shove down Lise Jr.'s mouth at the moment. Damn but feeding kids these days is like trying to feed a worm. *sigh*
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Lise, you have more than one kid? I can't believe you are on this forum as much as you are?? Kids are so busy!


Well, aren't we judgmental here? Who the frack are you to ask me that? And btw, none of your beeswax.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Yeah, it's really none of your business that Lise is on here and to imply that she isn't performing motherly duties because you think that she's on here more than taking care of her kids is f*cking nonesense!  GEESHUS!  


Ignore this idiot. No point in wasting our breath on him.

  Anyone tried this? Chocolate peanut butter snowballs from Kraft? I made some the other night. So easy to make and a big wow factor if you bring this stuff to your friends.

  [A href=""][/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Oh, that looks sweet and easy to make.  Did they turn out great, Lise?

  I'm actually planning my b/f's birthday party.  I have to make all this food for his guy friends and you know boys, they EAT TONS!  So far, I'm thinking about making ribs, vietnamese shrimp rolls, chicken drumsticks, tiramisu...I need more quick and easy ideas... and now this snowball one you suggested, Lise.  Thanks!  Blessing for ya.


Oh yeah, purelife. It was really, really simple and they turned out gorgeous. Just buy those cheap cupcake containers and they'll look wonderful.

  I took some shredded coconuts and roasted them. Then crushed peanuts. After you formed your balls, just roll them in either mixture. I didn't like the icing sugar coating... didn't taste very sweet but they certainly look pretty though.

  Ooh. Your menu sounds divine.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


My mother made some of those about a year ago, yeah quick n easy.

  Dont take this wrong Lise, but you and purelife might have taken that posters message and intent in the wrong perspective. I read it before yours and I took it to be in awe that you could raise your kids; and still find the time in your busy schedule for you-time, to browse DS. I didnt read any judgement against you or your mothering skills in it. More like respect for you could organise your time that well.

  But then again, my philosophy is to take everything at face value and give it a shot at the benefit of the doubt.. I have been known to be wrong.  
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


purelife wrote:
 Oh, that looks sweet and easy to make.  Did they turn out great, Lise?

I'm actually planning my b/f's birthday party.  I have to make all this food for his guy friends and you know boys, they EAT TONS!  So far, I'm thinking about making ribs, vietnamese shrimp rolls, chicken drumsticks, tiramisu...I need more quick and easy ideas... and now this snowball one you suggested, Lise.  Thanks!  Blessing for ya.[/DIV]
 Do you have a bbq? I have lots of 'get togethers' at my place, might be having one this friday or sat actually, and I usually make a number of quik n easy snack things.

  Those bags of carrots and celery (nobody likes the other stuff anyways) and a bowl of dip.

  Get those shrimp rings, they are like 3 bucks each and then 2 for the sauce.

  Get a package of stewing beef thats presliced (yeah Im lazy) and soak over night in teriyaki sauce, then take bacon cut in half and wrap around each one and hold in place with a toothpick. Sear on the bbq at 3/4 heat ( I throw some montreal steak seasoning in a light coat over it as well) for a few minutes each side then take off and throw on a cookie pan and throw in the oven at 275 for 10 minutes to let the meat relax after the searing to tenderize and cook in the middle while still leaving it a nice almost brown pink. Take out and let sit for 5 minutes to untension then serve with a small bowl of ranch as a dipping sauce. The toothpicks witll give you something to each them with.

  Another is to buy pretandooried chicken (you know the East Indian kind) and cook that, use something to dip it in like blue cheese or ranch, as not everyone likes a blast of the seasonings like that.

  Buy a bag of teh small wings. Dump entire bag on the bqq and spread out with a metal flipper. season wiht montreal seasoning and garlic powder. Keep taking a bunch at a time and flipping them in on themselves, like a stirfry almost (watch for fat flareups with this method, have a plate standing by to pull them off enmass to avoid them being burnt and for the fat to burn off prior to putting them back on). When they are cooked put them into a pile in the middle of the grill and add some sort of hickory or mesquite or whatever flavoring you like dumped on the pile. Then pick and dump the wings/theighs onto themselves stirfry style until all are evenly covered and pull off the grill to serve.

  Another one of my favorites is to use some of the stewed beef and diced chicken marinated in teriyaki to make kebobs. Get multicultural peppers and chop em up. Get some of those stick thingys and use that. Alternate the pepers, onions, and beef and chicken. the pieces should each be about an inch or inch and a half in size. Make some without onions and some without any meats on it as there are rabbits amongst your friends. When you cook them, now this is a good secret for cooking them on the 'que.. take one of those deep dish rectangular tinfoil trays (make sure when the kebobs sit lengthwise on it the the sticks stick out of the tray so as to rest on the sides without the meat and veggies touch the bottom of the tray) and using a knife put a bunch of holes in the bottom of it, put the kebobs sitting on it, and cook wiht medium heat. The trays keep the heat from overcooking the kebobs while absorbing the heat and radiating it onto the kebobs, it also lets the juices and fat drain.

  I got some more but my hands are tired.    
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Wow!  What a list!  Nope, no BBQ at our place.  Hmmm, how come we're not invited to your outings, huh, Russ?  ;)  

  The reason why Lise and I read it that way is probably because I've been on DV far too long and just know when a troll is trolling.  But, I could be wrong.
