I've noticed last night walking around lots of pda during the first few hours of my birthday. So presumably this obviously means I am a love god of some sort.
'cuse me Mandela, John Glenn, Steve Forbes, Richard Branson, Nick Faldo, Dick Button, and Ricky Skaggs want to do their usual happy birthday conference call. They've all been kind of downers since Thompson killed himself. We've been lacking a comedian since Skelton died and we lost Henri Salvador last year so now Ricky lost his jam partner. We don't like including Vin Diesel and Jack Layton as they always talk about themselves. The past few years I've been trying to push for Kristen Bell, M.I.A., and Mélissa Theuriau to be welcomed into the call, but Branson and Faldo are notorious womanizers so its best they stay away for now.