So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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     Lil Me wrote:
Was there a steak sale, Michel...  Holy cow (pardon the pun).

How`s the paving project, P.C.  My question mark button is not working.  It makes ``É`` instead.  I wonder if Heckyl left it on the French keyboard.

I`ve been stressed about work for the last couple of months.  To the point where my stomach is in knots and I can`t sleep.  It`s crazy, I thought that working for someone else would reduce the stress in my life instead of self-employment....but not when I fret over things that are outside my purview...but seem to fall under my accounting bloopers from past periods, and inventory problems, and cash flow issues, and a sales rep who can`t add numbers- so her quotes are a mess, and IT network problems, and service techs who don`t submit their time sheets--and are probably stealing product from the warehouse, hence the inventory problems.  The boss is going away for a week, and uh, I don`t think it`s going to be a good week for me...

*takes deep breath*


(Spoken in Captain Kirk speak with dramatic pauses, hyperbole to the max as usual, emo myspace/facebook note post style)

I came to the same conclusion about stress in the workforce, thus I decided to follow the path of my prof, whose never had a job in his life, as proclaimed in one of his humorist academic papers about life passing by. But then I realized, I can't write, as I was taught in private schools, and was a public school drop out in grade 8, for reasons of being bored with it all, and wanting to get away and wander the country side in search of Eden, for freedom, or so I told the principals, who were bewildered at my struggle.  Now, that I've reached university, I don't do enough drugs like the smart kids, so therefore, I don't get papers that go 'wow! brilliant' but 'woah wtf,' so I realized this dream was just as real as the name I gave my shadow. So I, in search for that garden of Eden, the mythical land of 6 weeks vacation, and a 32hr work week, I started wandering.

Hope that helps :)

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."




the point was I realized it was impossible for me to be a prof, ties it in with what Lil Me was worrying about.

Oh whatever, apparently if you don't have a giant drug habit you don't go off to those fancy grad schools in Europe. I've yet to meet one who didn't yet.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



lol you know I'm being facetious, I just know this group of top 5%ers who are bored with themselves, and I don't get why they do it.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Maybe it helps them make sense.  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Heh. Welcome to the black part of working, LM. I get the shitz at work all the time with women, yes, women co-workers who get into a hissy fit every so often. It's insanity at every corner.

  Yeah, a day off today!!! Woot! And it's sunny so it's off to spend time with the kiddies.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


 P.C. wrote:
Maybe it helps them make sense.  

"pass me the coke.... diet coke" that would be my line. lol

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


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 yeah yeahhh I'm going home.

for some reason this is the only song that comes to mind

[a href=""][/a]

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Lil Me

KFC chicken bowl for lunch ($3.99)
 Ok tasting, as long as you like glue-y instant mashed.
 Hope everyone is having a great long weekend!
 Anything new?
 I went out Sat night, but it was a pretty chill evening because I didn't want a repeat of last weekend's hangover from hell.  Couple of beers, no pot and I was out of the hot tub and home in bed by 1am.
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein



 Back from the Island where I didn't do anything (as planned, as what actually is to do there? In my friends words "not much") So I just slept for about 15hrs today. Oh well it was good minus the $140 in taxi fees. yaoza.

I miss the trees of the Island, can't stand the lack of trees in Vancouver.

Oh wow Michel what a weekend.

I don't know what to say about the border, I already saw massive profiling against asians last time I had a car and went south (which I already knew about). I'll see how it is by Amtrak when I go to Portland hopefully in June. I don't think I'll ever have a problem, half the guys at the Blaine station are from the midwest. I just put on my 'I'm a good ole boy' act and start talking in twang. Then the border guard and I start talking about bases they were located or baseball. After a couple minute chat, I'm free.

I despise flying into the country, the airport border people were directly hired from prison work. Pain in the ass country, and people are wondering why immigration into the country has stalled.

 Cross the border late at night past 10pm. They get lax and newbies patrol, who only just take licence and plates.

But the wall gets put up on June 1st. So its anybody's guess at the new check point charlie.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Lise @ Work

Wow, Michel.... I don't have a chance right not to read everything but I skimmed most of you stuff. I'll read it when I have more time. Seems like quite an adventure. I don't know how you do it and survive! Getting lost and interogated. Yikes! Well, at least it's good to be on Canada's soil, eh?
