So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Evening LM!

Whens your birthday? Happy birthday!

Its wet out today.. especially when I moved someone in the rain tonight, thankful my brother helped though.

My brother came back fromt eh island yesterday and his truck was louder.. the entire exhaust was fine except for where the tailpipe came out of the muffler. It was rusted through! Would have to get a new muffler, clamp etc.. He went out to get stuff to repair it and came home telling me to forget it, he went out and bought a 1200 !!! dollar stainless steel exhaust. At least he wont have to replace it ever again.

SD, Michel: I knew they had something of a coalition in the past, but didnt realize it could be done like this. Interesting. Ah well, these things happen, I hope it doesnt, but if its legal.. its allowed. Its part of our check and balance system. If it works, maybe it will be for the better, although I would prefer it if they didnt have to use the separatists (sp?) of canada!
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Y'know what, guys? After much soul searching over the weekend, I've decided that I'm not going to let them get to me. I'm so angry at myself for violating the Four Agreement Rules that I preached. The rule of NEVER LET THINGS GET PERSONAL was high on my list and I did that. Because of that, I allowed this person to invade my space and to get at me.

  So I just documented the whole thing and passed it to the union. Told them that this is a document and that I'm going to see what happens. My supervisor didn't speak to me about it but she was 'nicer' to me. Don't know why. Didn't talk to my co-worker all day long unless it was something I had to ask. She came to me after work to ask if everything was ok. I told her it was s'okay and that it was forgoteen. She didn't apologize but neither did I (tho I had nothing to apologize to). We just kinda left it at that.

  But I'm documenting everything from now on. I know the truth, God knows the truth so I have nothing to fear. I tell you, the Bible in this time of need is truly a marvellous book to depend on.

  Thank you so so so much, you guys for all your support. Truly! You guys are fatabulous.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


 Lise wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Y'know what, guys? After much soul searching over the weekend, I've decided that I'm not going to let them get to me. I'm so angry at myself for violating the Four Agreement Rules that I preached. The rule of NEVER LET THINGS GET PERSONAL was high on my list and I did that. Because of that, I allowed this person to invade my space and to get at me.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]So I just documented the whole thing and passed it to the union. Told them that this is a document and that I'm going to see what happens. My supervisor didn't speak to me about it but she was 'nicer' to me. Don't know why. Didn't talk to my co-worker all day long unless it was something I had to ask. She came to me after work to ask if everything was ok. I told her it was s'okay and that it was forgoteen. She didn't apologize but neither did I (tho I had nothing to apologize to). We just kinda left it at that.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]But I'm documenting everything from now on. I know the truth, God knows the truth so I have nothing to fear. I tell you, the Bible in this time of need is truly a marvellous book to depend on.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] Thank you so so so much, you guys for all your support. Truly! You guys are fatabulous. [img style="font-style: italic;" src="[/img]

Good to hear Lise, it IS too bad that it comes to that.. but thats a great attitude for that. Its too much effort to worry about all the little things that people come up with.
Lifes too short!

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


It's Lil Me's Birfday ????

  Oh dear....I'm getting to have a bad memory.  Happy Birthday Lil Me.  Hope your day was wonderful and brought you joy and lots of fun.

  [A href="" target=_blank][img alt="birthday cake" src="" border=0][/A]
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


 Russ wrote:
SD, Michel: I knew they had something of a coalition in the past, but didnt realize it could be done like this. Interesting. Ah well, these things happen, I hope it doesnt, but if its legal.. its allowed. Its part of our check and balance system. If it works, maybe it will be for the better, although I would prefer it if they didnt have to use the separatists (sp?) of canada!

I hear yeah on the Bloc thing, but the Bloc really isn't a separatist party, its more of a regional party that acts in Quebec's interests. Like Reform supposedly acted for Western Canada in the 80s.

I'm waiting for Jean Charest to become the next Conservative leader. lol

gosh my bike must have not been cleaned for a decade. My hands are permanently black from grease.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Russ wrote

SD, Michel: I knew they had something of a coalition in the past, but didnt realize it could be done like this. Interesting. Ah well, these things happen, I hope it doesnt, but if its legal.. its allowed. Its part of our check and balance system. If it works, maybe it will be for the better, although I would prefer it if they didnt have to use the separatists (sp?) of canada!

  I just chose Russ' quote because it was a summary, and I need to vent.

  I can't describe how mad this whole situation makes me!! Harper screwed the pooch with an ill considered, vindictive little play to cut financing and it came back to bite him in the butt. Fine, but don't try to tell us that the lack of confidence is due to a lack of a stimulus package. It is nothing more than the Liberals & NDP prostituting themselves with the Bloc in a naked power grab.

The Liberal and the NDP combined are still 29 seats short of the Conserveratives, so in order to take power and govern the country, they need the support of the bloc, who exist to prove the country doesn't work. Does that make sense?

  I understand that it is legal, I understand that it's politics and it is a tough business. I also understand that 6 weeks ago the Canadian public voted, and in the less than 2 weeks since Parliament was convened, the people the electorate said no thank you to, have said our vote means squat. It's no wonder the voter participation rates keep dropping.

  This isn't a partisan rant, I just think that after never having missed an election, I'm wondering if it's worth the time to keep voting when the politicians don't give s--- what we think. Couldn't they have pulled this stunt earlier instead of letting us spend $300 million on an election??????    
The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese.


  Sawdust wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]I just chose Russ' quote because it was a summary, and I need to vent.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]I can't describe how mad this whole situation makes me!! Harper screwed the pooch with an ill considered, vindictive little play to cut financing and it came back to bite him in the butt. Fine, but don't try to tell us that the lack of confidence is due to a lack of a stimulus package. It is nothing more than the Liberals & NDP prostituting themselves with the Bloc in a naked power grab.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]The Liberal and the NDP combined are still 29 seats short of the Conserveratives, so in order to take power and govern the country, they need the support of the bloc, who exist to prove the country doesn't work. Does that make sense?[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]I understand that it is legal, I understand that it's politics and it is a tough business. I also understand that 6 weeks ago the Canadian public voted, and in the less than 2 weeks since Parliament was convened, the people the electorate said no thank you to, have said our vote means squat. It's no wonder the voter participation rates keep dropping.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"]This isn't a partisan rant, I just think that after never having missed an election, I'm wondering if it's worth the time to keep voting when the politicians don't give s--- what we think. Couldn't they have pulled this stunt earlier instead of letting us spend $300 million on an election?????? [/div]  
I agree wholeheartedly. It makes me ANGRY. If they want a coalition it should ahve been stated in the begining. It is a naked power grab, and I hope that the government picked a strong enough GG. (I dont think they picked the right one, but thats just me).

Whats the point of having an election then and electing someone? All they did was creat a constitutional crisis in my mind.

I agree Harper was a tool to do it at this time.. I am a conservative. I hate the way the country has turned. I agree with some of the ideals, but not all of the changes/ plans, and not the way some of them are done.. but I DO agree with him getting rid of taxpayer funded political pork barrels. I still hate the liberals for that.

I really agree on the Bloc. In order for the liberals and the communists to grab power they needed teh only party that I was hoping was diminishing... and give it more national importance. That being said.. I still like Duceppe as a statesman, but not for his ideals.

EDIT: sorry I cant bless you more than once in an hour.

Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Why are you against the federal funding Russ? It helped the parties like the Conservatives more than the Liberals.

Anyway I'll be non-partial here. Harper for the last two years put the parliament with a gun to its head. Then the election happened, he said he'd work together with other parties, but that's just not what Stephen Harper does apparently. I don't think he's capable, he has yet to show it. If Harper was smart and statesman like he'd do what Andrew Sullivan said on The National tonight, he'd ask the Liberals to be in a coalition. That's what is happening in Germany, the two major parties are in a coalition. But that's just not Stephen Harper, he hasn't shown any capability to work with other people. He's always acted as he's still in Opposition. Anyway, yeah the Liberals look foolish right now with Dion, but Ignatieff will win the leadership race so there will be somebody people like as Prime Minister.

So when Stephen Harper decided that he was going to start playing games, the Opposition rightly or wrongly just had enough with it. Revenge of the Bullied if you will. Like '06 and '08 with Karl Rove style Republican Party antics. Parliament wasn't working because Stephen Harper refused to believe he was in a minority instead of a majority.

Now Harper could ruin his party if he tries to prorogue the government. If he does that he's this century's Borden and his conscription.  

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


what kind? I love cake.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Why are you against the federal funding Russ? It helped the parties like the Conservatives more than the Liberals.

Im against many things with no rhyme or reason to be truthful. Not to mention I dont really believe that the conservatives were better off than the liberals on this.. the conservatives seem to be better at having donations than the liberals.. who were teh ones that arranged for it in the first place.
I dont feel its right to fund political parties that a taxpayer doesn't believe in. If I feel that I believe enough in a party I will donate time and or money to it. I dont want my money to go to support separatists (again to me with their statements and actions [which speak louder than words] suggest this).

Anyway I'll be non-partial here. Harper for the last two years put the parliament with a gun to its head. Then the election happened, he said he'd work together with other parties, but that's just not what Stephen Harper does apparently. I don't think he's capable, he has yet to show it. If Harper was smart and statesman like he'd do what Andrew Sullivan said on The National tonight, he'd ask the Liberals to be in a coalition. That's what is happening in Germany, the two major parties are in a coalition. But that's just not Stephen Harper, he hasn't shown any capability to work with other people. He's always acted as he's still in Opposition. Anyway, yeah the Liberals look foolish right now with Dion, but Ignatieff will win the leadership race so there will be somebody people like as Prime Minister.

So when Stephen Harper decided that he was going to start playing games, the Opposition rightly or wrongly just had enough with it. Revenge of the Bullied if you will. Like '06 and '08 with Karl Rove style Republican Party antics. Parliament wasn't working because Stephen Harper refused to believe he was in a minority instead of a majority.

Now Harper could ruin his party if he tries to prorogue the government. If he does that he's this century's Borden and his conscription.  

 I dont like the liberals with all the flipflopping they do and decisions I angrily disagree with. But I kinda agree with you on the fact that Ignatieff is teh person for the party at this point.

I myself dont really get what prorogueing the government will get harper. If the opposition want to fell the elected government, they will. If they do get the go from the GG to lead teh country, I dont think either the NDP or the Liberals will be in power again for a long time. Many supporters of the liberals and NDP are angry.. and some of the ones that are very angry are staunch supporters. Look at some of the provincial parties that are not happy with the way the federal parties did it.

EDIT: sorry if this doesnt make sense as I had to copy and paste it as my blasted login timed out on me.
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


 P.C. wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Cake anyone ?   [/div]
LOL. cheater.

You know we almost need a political thread.
We have a lunch thread.. joke thread.. nothing interesting to say thread.. Dragons thread..
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims



I think there is a thread dedicated to this.....we just happen to be using it to discuss our linking techniques.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

