So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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What exactly is your avatar Chicklet, it looks so sexy/funny/cool.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Is it Annie Lenox?  
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


It is actually Lilith Silver from Razor Blade Smile.  One of my all time favorite vampire movies.  She is an assasin and that's a BFG she's holding.  I highly recommend it if you like Vampire flicks.  
'In every group of human beings you will find a few specimens of below average intelligence, above average ego and spectacularly bad judgement.' - tenkani


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


[h4]"The acting by a predominantly British cast is consistently pretentious, with monotonous delivery of sardonic lines that eventually all sound the same. Eileen Daly certainly looks the part, with her bright red lipstick, knowing glances and leather- clad (or is it rubber?) buxom body.
The whole film comes across like a very long in-joke to which the audience isn't a party."[/h4]  -Brian Webster of Apollo Guide

Sounds too good to pass up! I just put it at the top of my Netlifx queue!!!     :)
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


Yep.  She's pretty hot eh? The whole premise of the movie is quite different from most vampire films.  They break some of the steroetypes like vampires not being able to go out in the sun etc.  It's is pretty low budget but Jake West, the Director, does a great job with the story.
'In every group of human beings you will find a few specimens of below average intelligence, above average ego and spectacularly bad judgement.' - tenkani


I don't know if you could rent it off of Netflix Tenkani. The bloody puritans had it rated NC-17.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


tenkani wrote:<h4>\"The acting by a predominantly British cast is consistently pretentious, with monotonous delivery of sardonic lines that eventually all sound the same. Eileen Daly certainly looks the part, with her bright red lipstick, knowing glances and leather- clad (or is it rubber?) buxom body.
The whole film comes across like a very long in-joke to which the audience isn\'t a party.\"</h4>  -Brian Webster of Apollo Guide

Sounds too good to pass up! I just put it at the top of my Netlifx queue!!!     :)

Well, it never won any Oscars (none of the ones I like ever do) but it's my kind of film.  I saw at the Vancouver International Film Festival in 1999 and hunted down the DVD as soon as it came out.
'In every group of human beings you will find a few specimens of below average intelligence, above average ego and spectacularly bad judgement.' - tenkani


Chicklet, I don't take reviews too seriously. I just thought it was funny    ;)
And yeah, they have it at Netflix. I don't think the puritans have quite taken over yet.
For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


It'll be cut just to let you know:

Here's what IMDB film ratings of the movie said:

  Rated R for horror violence and gore, sexuality, language and some drug content.
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Runtime:[/FONT][/B] South Korea:87 min / USA:101 min
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Country:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]UK[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Language:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]English[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Color:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=13;Color"]Color[/A] (Metrocolor)
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Sound Mix:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=15;Stereo"]Stereo[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Certification:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Singapore:R21"]Singapore:R21[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;New%20Zealand:R18"]New Zealand:R18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Australia:R"]Australia:R[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Finland:K-18"]Finland:K-18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Germany:18"]Germany:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;UK:18"]UK:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:NC-17"]USA:NC-17[/A] (original rating) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:R"]USA:R[/A] (edited for re-rating)
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I don't know much about netflix but if they edit content before they make a film available, I ask that you don't give them your money.  Films are edited for a purpose, it is an art and anyone who tells you what you can and cannot view based on their company beliefs in BS.  Just say no to censorship.  Blockbuster was caught doing that a few years back and I haven't rented from them since.
'In every group of human beings you will find a few specimens of below average intelligence, above average ego and spectacularly bad judgement.' - tenkani


I've never heard that Netflix does that kind of academe-esque B.S.
I think it would make an uproar if it did and yeah, I would probably cancel my account.

For thou art with me; thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of coffee forever.


Here's some classic American Censorship:

  Mean Girls:

Untitled 'Queen Bees and Wannabes' Project (USA) (working title)
[B class=ch][A href=""][FONT face=Arial size=2]MPAA[/FONT][/A][FONT face=Arial size=2]:[/FONT][/B] Rated PG-13 for sexual content, language and some teen partying.
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Runtime:[/FONT][/B] 97 min
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Country:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]USA[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Language:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]English[/A] / [A href=""]German[/A] / [A href=""]Vietnamese[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Color:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=13;Color"]Color[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Sound Mix:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=15;DTS"]DTS[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=15;Dolby%20Digital"]Dolby Digital[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Certification:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Iceland:L"]Iceland:L[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:PG-13"]USA:PG-13[/A] (edited for re-rating) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Argentina:M"]Argentina:M[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:R"]USA:R[/A] (original rating) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:12"]Switzerland:12[/A] (canton of Zurich) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Singapore:PG"]Singapore:PG[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Malaysia:U"]Malaysia:U[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:PG"]Canada:PG[/A] (Alberta/British Columbia/Manitoba/Nova Scotia/Ontario) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:G"]Canada:G[/A] (Quebec) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Australia:M"]Australia:M[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Brazil:12"]Brazil:12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Chile:TE"]Chile:TE[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Czech%20Republic:12"]Czech Republic:12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Finland:K-7"]Finland:K-7[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Germany:6"]Germany:6[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;India:A"]India:A[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Ireland:12PG"]Ireland:12PG[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Netherlands:12"]Netherlands:12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Norway:7"]Norway:7[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Peru:PT"]Peru:PT[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Philippines:PG-13"]Philippines:PG-13[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Portugal:M/12"]Portugal:M/12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Singapore:NC-16"]Singapore:NC-16[/A] (DVD rating) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:10"]Switzerland:10[/A] (canton of Geneva) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:10"]Switzerland:10[/A] (canton of Vaud) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;UK:12A"]UK:12A[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Germany:12"]Germany:12[/A] (DVD rating)

Y tu mamá también

And Your Mother Too (USA)
[B class=ch][A href=""][FONT face=Arial size=2]MPAA[/FONT][/A][FONT face=Arial size=2]:[/FONT][/B] Rated R for strong sexual content involving teens, drug use and language.
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Runtime:[/FONT][/B] 105 min / South Korea:102 min
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Country:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]Mexico[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Language:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]Spanish[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Color:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=13;Color"]Color[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Sound Mix:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=15;Dolby%20Digital"]Dolby Digital[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Certification:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Argentina:18"]Argentina:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Australia:R"]Australia:R[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Belgium:KNT"]Belgium:KNT[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Brazil:18"]Brazil:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:16%2B"]Canada:16+[/A] (Quebec) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:18A"]Canada:18A[/A] (Alberta/British Columbia) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:18"]Canada:18[/A] (Nova Scotia) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:R"]Canada:R[/A] (Manitoba/Ontario) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Chile:14"]Chile:14[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Colombia:18"]Colombia:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Denmark:15"]Denmark:15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Finland:K-15"]Finland:K-15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;France:-12"]France:-12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Germany:16"]Germany:16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Hong%20Kong:III"]Hong Kong:III[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Hungary:16"]Hungary:16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Iceland:16"]Iceland:16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Ireland:18"]Ireland:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Italy:VM18"]Italy:VM18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Japan:R-15"]Japan:R-15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Mexico:C"]Mexico:C[/A] (cut) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Netherlands:12"]Netherlands:12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;New%20Zealand:R18"]New Zealand:R18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Norway:15"]Norway:15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Peru:14"]Peru:14[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Philippines:X"]Philippines:X[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Poland:18"]Poland:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Portugal:M/16"]Portugal:M/16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Singapore:R(A)"]Singapore:R(A)[/A] (cut) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;South%20Korea:18"]South Korea:18[/A] (cut) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Spain:13"]Spain:13[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Sweden:15"]Sweden:15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:16"]Switzerland:16[/A] (canton of Geneva) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:16"]Switzerland:16[/A] (canton of Vaud) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;UK:18"]UK:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:NC-17"]USA:NC-17[/A] (original rating) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:R"]USA:R[/A] (cut) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:Unrated"]USA:Unrated[/A]

Bad Education

Bad Education (International: English title)
Visitas, Las (Spain) (original script title)
[B class=ch][A href=""][FONT face=Arial size=2]MPAA[/FONT][/A][FONT face=Arial size=2]:[/FONT][/B] Rated R for strong sexual content throughout, language and some drug use. (special edition)
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Runtime:[/FONT][/B] 106 min
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Country:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]Spain[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Language:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]Spanish[/A] / [A href=""]Latin[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Color:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=13;Color"]Color[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Sound Mix:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=15;Dolby%20Digital"]Dolby Digital[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Certification:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=14;New%20Zealand:R16"]New Zealand:R16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Germany:12"]Germany:12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Brazil:18"]Brazil:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:R"]Canada:R[/A] (Manitoba) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Taiwan:R-18"]Taiwan:R-18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:18A"]Canada:18A[/A] (Alberta/British Columbia/Ontario) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Argentina:16"]Argentina:16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Australia:MA"]Australia:MA[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:13%2B"]Canada:13+[/A] (Québec) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:14"]Canada:14[/A] (Nova Scotia) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Chile:14"]Chile:14[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Finland:K-15"]Finland:K-15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;France:-12"]France:-12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Hong%20Kong:III"]Hong Kong:III[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Ireland:18"]Ireland:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Italy:VM14"]Italy:VM14[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Japan:R-15"]Japan:R-15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Mexico:C"]Mexico:C[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Netherlands:12"]Netherlands:12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Norway:15"]Norway:15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Peru:14"]Peru:14[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Poland:15"]Poland:15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Singapore:R21"]Singapore:R21[/A] (cut) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;South%20Korea:18"]South Korea:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Spain:18"]Spain:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:16"]Switzerland:16[/A] (canton of Geneva) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:16"]Switzerland:16[/A] (canton of Vaud) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;UK:15"]UK:15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:NC-17"]USA:NC-17[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:R"]USA:R[/A] (special edition) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Iceland:16"]Iceland:16[/A]

  Those are some of the movies I've enjoyed recently. Notice the ratings.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Here's some more films:

  L'Auberge espagnole

Pot Luck (Canada: English title) (UK)
Auberge espagnole, L' (USA)
Casa de locos, Una (Spain)
Euro Pudding (International: English title)
The Spanish Apartment (USA)
[B class=ch][A href=""][FONT face=Arial size=2]MPAA[/FONT][/A][FONT face=Arial size=2]:[/FONT][/B] Rated R for language and sexual content.
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Runtime:[/FONT][/B] 122 min / Finland:117 min
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Country:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]France[/A] / [A href=""]Spain[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Language:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]French[/A] / [A href=""]Spanish[/A] / [A href=""]English[/A] / [A href=""]Catalan[/A] / [A href=""]Danish[/A] / [A href=""]German[/A] / [A href=""]Italian[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Color:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=13;Color"]Color[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Sound Mix:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=15;DTS"]DTS[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=15;Dolby%20Digital"]Dolby Digital[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Certification:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Iceland:10"]Iceland:10[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Argentina:13"]Argentina:13[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Australia:M"]Australia:M[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Brazil:14"]Brazil:14[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Chile:14"]Chile:14[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Finland:K-11"]Finland:K-11[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;France:U"]France:U[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Germany:6"]Germany:6[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Netherlands:AL"]Netherlands:AL[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Portugal:M/12"]Portugal:M/12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Singapore:M18"]Singapore:M18[/A] (re-rating) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Spain:13"]Spain:13[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Sweden:7"]Sweden:7[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:12"]Switzerland:12[/A] (canton of the Grisons) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:14"]Switzerland:14[/A] (canton of Geneva) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:14"]Switzerland:14[/A] (canton of Vaud) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;UK:15"]UK:15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:R"]USA:R[/A]

Talk to Her (International: English title)
[B class=ch][A href=""][FONT face=Arial size=2]MPAA[/FONT][/A][FONT face=Arial size=2]:[/FONT][/B] Rated R for nudity, sexual content and some language.
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Runtime:[/FONT][/B] 112 min
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Country:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]Spain[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Language:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]Spanish[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Color:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=13;Black%20and%20White"]Black and White[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=13;Color"]Color[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Sound Mix:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=15;Dolby%20Digital"]Dolby Digital[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Certification:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Italy:T"]Italy:T[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Argentina:16"]Argentina:16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Australia:MA"]Australia:MA[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Austria:16"]Austria:16[/A] (Steiermark) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:13%2B"]Canada:13+[/A] (Québec) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:14A"]Canada:14A[/A] (Ontario) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Canada:18A"]Canada:18A[/A] (Alberta/British Columbia) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Chile:14"]Chile:14[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Finland:K-11"]Finland:K-11[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;France:U"]France:U[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Germany:16"]Germany:16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Hong%20Kong:III"]Hong Kong:III[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Iceland:L"]Iceland:L[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Ireland:18"]Ireland:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Netherlands:16"]Netherlands:16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;New%20Zealand:R13"]New Zealand:R13[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Norway:11"]Norway:11[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Peru:14"]Peru:14[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Portugal:M/12"]Portugal:M/12[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Singapore:R(A)"]Singapore:R(A)[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;South%20Korea:18"]South Korea:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Spain:13"]Spain:13[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Sweden:11"]Sweden:11[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:12"]Switzerland:12[/A] (canton of Geneva) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:12"]Switzerland:12[/A] (canton of Vaud) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Switzerland:16"]Switzerland:16[/A] (canton of the Grisons) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;UK:15"]UK:15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:R"]USA:R[/A]

This is an old classic from the sixities:

Belle de Jour

Bella di giorno (Italy)
Belle de jour (USA)
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Runtime:[/FONT][/B] 101 min
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Country:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]France[/A] / [A href=""]Italy[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Language:[/FONT][/B] [A href=""]French[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Color:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=13;Color"]Color[/A] (Eastmancolor)
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Sound Mix:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=15;Stereo"]Stereo[/A]
[B class=ch][FONT face=Arial size=2]Certification:[/FONT][/B] [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Finland:K-18"]Finland:K-18[/A] (1968) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Finland:K-16"]Finland:K-16[/A] (1988) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Argentina:16"]Argentina:16[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Australia:M"]Australia:M[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Chile:18"]Chile:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Norway:15"]Norway:15[/A] (re-rating) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Norway:16"]Norway:16[/A] (original rating) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Spain:13"]Spain:13[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Sweden:15"]Sweden:15[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;UK:18"]UK:18[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;UK:X"]UK:X[/A] (original rating) / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;USA:R"]USA:R[/A] / [A href=";&amp;heading=14;Ireland:18"]Ireland:18[/A]    
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


yayayay I found my lunch how is everyone???
