I notified a field agent at my get out the vote drive that I'd like to do office work. So this person I talked to today knew I wanted to do office stuff. I didn't want to do answering phones, because I don't have enthusiasm and if I gave my personal opinion on things, their would be trouble. I couldn't even do the propaganda stuff. They give you a script and you call people. lol So I changed my mind on being on the phones.
I said I'd do data, which is also weird. It entails collecting people's addresses, voting habits, politically profiling. Campaigns find their target neighbourhoods and then compile all the info they want on you, about what you like, what you want out of a candidate, what you are on the issues and try to persuade you to come out and vote for them on election day. Target voting. That's what being 'on the phones' entailed, which to me sounds way too much like being in the secret police.