Evening fabulous folks. purelife, you're right - I really should adopt an 'I don't care, F***k you' attitude. Hmmm.... any pointers?
Blasted tech at work. Idiota. Why do they give me these idiots to work with? I tell him something and he doesn't believe me. He asked a heck lotta OTHER people before doing the work with me like he was supposed to. What? Like I made it all up just to annoy him? Sheesh. Then he did his work half-baked. He's supposed to train with me but because I'm a nobody (in his mind) he doesn't have to listen to me. Stupid noob took off and left me to finish the work. Well, I didn't finish everything as I was too tired and too damn pissed to care.
Left him a nasty surprise in the morning. He can bloody well finish up at his station.
*grumble grumble* I feel like a nag. Sorry, folks.
BTW, keep those photos of cats coming. I LOVE THEM!! They just make me smile.