Van wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]Yes, French is a beautiful language too. Knowing some Spanish is a poor excuse not to learn French. I learned some French. Sadly lost it due to not using it too much. Like calculus. I lost a lot of that too.[/div] [div style="font-style: italic;"] [/div] PC, I think sports liked the idea of Canada, until he moved to Canada. Then realized the pedestal that he put Canada on before he moved here, crumbled like the end of a Jenga game. Europe may be a better fit? A person would never know unless they try.
Non, I took 2 1/2 years of spanish and then needed to take Spanish again, but Spanish was full in h.s. so they made me take French for 2 years. Barely passed, struggled with the utter confusion of saying something in Spanish in French class or thinking of Spanish. Then I didn't say a word or read either Spanish or French for 3 years. Took a Spanish class again 2 years ago, still confusion.
If I want to learn French I've got to do it in Quebec or France. I'm American, Spanish is too prevelant here.
About Canada? I love Canada, I wish I didn't come home for the summer break. I came to Canada because I didn't want to be considered 'American' anymore, wanted to experience something different, and being 'Canadian' gets me further in other places in the world then 'American'. And frankly I'd just rather live in British Columbia over other places.
I've always had this connection/pull to Europe due to family stuff and my cultural roots which have always been a mystery. I explained to a friend that Europe to me is this 'holy land' of cultures and fusion which I've always admired and wanted to be like. A lot of Americans dream of Europe as Europeans long for N.A.
If I didn't like Canada I wouldn't get homesick for BC. lol
I start beaming when people say I'm Canadian or I get to talk about Canada and British Columbia.