yeah I used to be like that. then left the state of misery. lol (get it misery, missouri lolololol)
life is what you make it. Only thing we can do as a society is steer the 'troubled' in the right direction before its too late. We can't force people to go to school for example. They have to find it within themselves that schooling means jobs and a better life when the economy isn't doing so well and they aren't paying 20 bucks an hour at mcdonalds (saw that ad in the paper today) or 30 and hour to put up dry wall. Catch them before they fall through the cracks. You wouldn't believe how many first nation people go to school here. Makes me happy. They want to better themselves, then go back home and become examples to the young kids that life can be better.
the female population gets it, its us males that don't get it. Most classes I have there's just a couple males besides me the rest females. They see that 30 an hour job and take thinking i'm going to make a lot of money. But fail to realise that their job is only based on demand due to growth of the economy.
If we paid more attention to causes of societal problems instead of how to fix the results of the problems, lots of people would be better off. Sort of like violent crime in Canada. Its way down and falling every year, you're most likely to die from heart disease and diabetes then a violent crime now. But you wouldn't know it from watching the news. Hence, they call heart disease the silent killer. More people are dying from it weekly and monthly then murders and violent crimes combined in the last 10 years. That's a major problem but you won't see that on the news of course.