So... Whats for lunch?

Started by kits, Feb 06 06 09:57

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Lil Me

Mmmm.  I'm hungry now!  (I can't take my kids for Indian food- Heckyl is allergic to dairy and Jeckyl won't eat anything with spices- so he eats naan).
 Thanks for the tip about the weekday dinner buffet.  Mr LM and I went for dinner buffet one New Year's (4 years ago?) but I had forgotten about it.
 I loooove butter chicken, even though I know it's the "sweet and sour pork" of the Indian menu.  I can't help myself.  (I'm a sucker for sweet and sour pork in red sauce as well...)
 I can't wait for the PNE.  I usually leave clutching my stomach...after butter chicken and naaan, a fried whale's tail, a Ukranian smokie, an ice cream, some fresh scones with jam....
"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it."  Robert Heinlein


mmm Lise that sounds delicious.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


lol Lil Me

  You forgot the.......

  [FONT size=6]MINI DOUGHNUTS !!!!![/FONT]  
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


Hi Russ....bye Russ.....back to work.  Just stopped for a wee break.

  Hope your day is going well and that the project de jour is working out good.
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.


cotton candy is the only reason to go to the pne. oh and to check out the locol eyecandy.

  lunch for me was an authentic tasting falafel... pretty good. the guy was authentic too! I couldnt understand what he was saying to me, lol. But I keep going back cause its local and the foods good.

  Dinner i think is going to be indian food.. you people have given me the urge. Theres a really good place at 49th and Main in South Vancouver thats a 5.99 all you can eat. Its fedgitarian but you buy a meat dish to go with it, and its worth it.  
Mercy to the Guilty is Torture to the Victims


Good afternoon.

  I was in a meeting all day this morning and I just had to leave to eat.  I'm starving.  So, for lunch, I have some leftover salad with grilled chicken.

  My evening last night was absolutely perfect.  I haven't had such a wonderful evening like that for YEARS!  

  So, I got home, drove to the grocery store to pick up ingredients for dinner.  I then prepared t-bone steak and salad for dinner for the two of us.  Then, we walked to the New Westminster Quay with our freezies and had a nice walk along the pier.  Then, brought some ice-cream at the store.  After, we went home to watch our rental, Catch and Release...

  Yep, a lovely evening. :)))  


that's so awesome pl!  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


What are your plans for this special day?  Gonna grab that drink?


yup of course!
This morning I bought my first beers at the local store, lol, I had to wait 8 minutes until 6:01am because that's when they are allowed to sell alcohol here in Missouri.
I'm going to go out with my dad for dinner, going to this local pub.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Sounds like a nice plan.  Have a great evening.


 Well I'm off to get my licence renewed!
No more "Under 21 licence" yes!
(I was the first generation in the state to have an under 21 licence) Now I finally get an 'adult' licence.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Hey Lil Me! I love butter chicken too! Samosa Garden has the best butter chicken ever! I tried replicating the recipe at home but it's not the same. For some reason, it doesn't taste as creamy as theirs. One thing about butter chicken though.... it's not for the weak hearted! I can't believe the amount of butter and ghee (oil) and cream that goes into that. Calories galore.

  Oh another thing, if you head down to the PNE next Saturday (July 28th) there's going to be tons of food on display. Admission is free and you can purchase food from 50 cents or so.

  Here's the link if you're interested:

[A href=""][/A]

  On Saturday, July 28th, 2007, join Ashiana Tandoori, Cassis Bistro, Dona Cata Mexican Foods, Nando's Flame Grilled Chicken, O'Doul's Restaurant & Bar, Patisserie Lebeau, Vera's Burger Shack and many of Vancouver's other premiere restaurants at the PNE for Citytv's fifth annual Taste of the City.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Happy B-Day sports. I always forget 21 is legal age in the US. I know myself, by the time I turned 21, I was starting to slow down a bit on the drinking. Thank goodness, my liver would have been dissolved by the time I turned 22 at that rate.

  I haven't been to the PNE for about 14 years or so. Never got into it through my 20s.  Leaving town always seemed much more appealing to me. If anyone goes, hope it is a sweet time!


yeah, I personally think 21 leads to more drinking problems. Kids are going to drink at 18-21 pretty heavily and then when they hit 21 they can do that legally. I know lots of kids on the 6 year plan in university. Mostly because they go to class drunk.  
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


haha! crazy! I never would have wanted to show up at class drunk!

19 seems like a fair age. 18 seems a bit young, like in Alberta. But then again, if a guy (or gal) can go to Afgahnistan at 18 and be part of a massive bloody carnage and live to witness it, for God's sake, let them have a shot of Crowne and a beer.

  Nothing wrong with a few drinks now and then either. I always say, if you drink casual, you can drink all night!

  Hope your day is good!
