Hey purelife, good for you! Congrats, mate. I hope more success cometh your way.
Just been back from Harrison Hot Springs. Woot! What a lovely time..... well, if you truly like downpour. First time ever that it poured buckets and buckets down where we were. Gawd. I'm truly fed-up with the rain. We went out despite the rain... ah well. At least no mosquitoes.
Kids had a fantastic time in Dinotown (it being wet), at the beach (it being wet), eating outside (eat being wet), drive to the cove (it being wet), walk to the hot springs (it being wet).
Shared the room with my in-laws. The last time I saw my dad-in-law naked when he accidentally dropped the towel. This time... I saw him when I barged into his room as we got home because I was worried nobody answered my calls. ARGH!!! *plucks eyeballs*