One of the worst storms I've ever seen just went through town

Started by Sportsdude, Jul 19 06 08:38

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"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Funny you should mention storm because I was just talking about the weather.  Apparently, out of nowhere in Toronto, a night wind/storm came along that lasted for a few minutes where the power was out as well.  

  I'm glad that you're okay.  We've been having some crazy weather all around the globe.


Yeah I'm fine PL, although I did drive around while the storm was going on, kinda stupid but then again I live for these kind of things. And to top it my cell phone was dead so I was all alone if I ran into something.    
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


That's why it would have been better if you stayed indoors, SD.  But, I'm glad to know that you're safe.


Can't help myself though. Its the reporter in me. Always wanting to be in the action. Whenever there is a blizzard I'm one of the few people out driving around. Can't help it. You never know I might run into someone who needs help.

  In fact that happend one time. It was snowing and I was driving to school (30 miles away btw). And there was an overturned SUV in a deep ditch that looked like nobody had seen yet from the highway so I called 911 for them just in case.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


You have a good heart, SD.  There aren't many people like you around.  :)


really, thanks.  I don't know what else to do it just comes natural to me. There's a storm out and oh better go out to see if everything is okay.  Always have been like that.

  Getting ready for round 2 tonight. Should be here by 8ct.  Not going out though I've got work to do.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."