Italy won!!!

Started by Lise, Jul 09 06 09:24

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Shoot!! That was the best game ever!!! So glad Italy won!! Woohoo!!!
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Whooo!! Nicely done Italy! I'm glad France lost ... but who the hell headbutts someone in the chest? ... way to finish your career Zidane  


I've done worse in sporting events.

  Well, I a couple of seniors on senior day a while back got ejected on there final game. Now was that cool or what. Got ejected from a basketball game once. A guy was being a total jackass to my team, name calling, slurs and such so I threw him against a brick wall on the baseline, didn't get ejected for that but for saying "shut up" to the idiot who continued to run his mouth. I looked like Zidane today just walked home in the snow in my basketball uni, took about an hour to get home. Suprised I didn't get hypothermia.

I've been racially taunted before so and have reacted the same way in the past like Zidane did but only worse. I kicked an injured player once in baseball, if that doesn't get lower then that I don't know what does.

In basketball I was going up against a guy who left my basketball team for another. Everytime down the court I'd cup check him with my elbow.  When he fell down I'd kick him again, no one caught it. I hated that guy.

During a baseball game I hit a liner of a fat pitchers knee once, he fell like a bunch of bricks I got a double and was excited because I got out of a hitting slump. His teamates got pissed at me so I said "what he was in the way" and oh I almost started a brawl.

  The best/worst incident I ever did was in high school when I had enough of the taunting from one of my teamates on the golf team. Got to the 3rd hole on the tee. He screwed up my shot by name calling. So I attacked him with a golf club. I never attempted to hit him just tried to scare him off, will he didn't get the message took out a 3 iron and hit me over the head with it. Seeing that he tried to kill me, I wrestled him to the ground and kicked him in the balls a few times.  Golf coach said she never had seen a brawl on a golf course before.

I got picked on by the soccer players for being tall and my gym shorts were so short my boxers were just as long. Threw a kid into the a locker because I was tired of the constant picking on.  Had another golf fight at the golf course with another teamate who always picked on me.  Never got to the ringer leader of the group. Left the school before that.

  Got angry once at an idiot in band class, he was trying to eat my paper while I was playing. I had just upped my meds to super high levels which made me focus really good but also made me insanely irritable. Tried to hit him with my trumpet missed.  He knocked me out with a blow to the back of the skull. For 10 mins I thought I was paralized. I could see, but couldn't blink but I couldn't move or talk.

  Funny thing was that when I switched schools I went from a racially mixed with high tension school to a druggie I don't give a shit attitude place where people were scared of me. Which I found funny. Seniors had a food fight one year somebody threw a bread loaf at me, I caught in the air and immediately threw it right back at the person. Everyone stopped.  I was on this new medication (the one I'm on now) which makes me super passive and not aggresive. I just stood there while he tried to push me but failed.

  Anyway I feel what Zidane went through apparently the guy who he head butted called him a racial slur (Zidane is muslim). And he's only done stuff like that when somebody slurs him. Last world cup a Saudi player did the same thing and he kicked him.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Some Chick

I think that when you're a world class athlete, you owe it to yourself to conduct yourself with class and adhere to higher standards than we would find in highschool sports.

  Regardless of his motives, it's sad that is the second to final note of his career.  The FINAL note is that he was voted MVP by the press prior to that game.


Regardless of any slurs (racial or otherwise), you DO NOT headbutt someone like that. I understand that there is a lot of pressure but you show poor judgement and sportsmanship when you give in to your anger.

  Zidane should have used his anger for better use. What a lousy way to end a brilliant career.  
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


True but sometimes things just happen without you realising it or thinking about it.  About 99% of my above post was reactionary, I didn't think of what I was doing it just happend (not the post but my little incidents with team sports). I realised I needed a sport where I can use that energy in a good way (rowing, bicycling, etc.). Zidane didn't pre-mediate this it just happend.  For instance I remember in middle school one time where I just randomly took a basketball and kicked it off school grounds and on to the highway near by.  Principal asked what the hell I was doing I said I did not know what happend because I honestly do not remember. I sort of blacked out consciencely, let my guard down if you will.  Well thats what I believe happend here.  He was provoked was tired and just did it. It happens.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."