Syndicator Denies Coulter Is A Stinking Plagarist

Started by TehBorken, Jul 11 06 04:21

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 [font class="headline"]What, like he was going to admit darling Ann is a plagarist?

[/font][hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][font class="headline"]Syndicator Denies Coulter Lifted Material
[/font][font class="byline"]By HILLEL ITALIE
[/font][font class="byline"]AP National Writer[/font]
 [/p][font class="story"]The syndicator of Ann Coulter's newspaper columns rejected allegations that she had lifted material from other sources, saying a review of the work in question turned up nothing that merited concern. [/font][/p][font class="story"] "There are only so many ways you can [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]steal shit[/span] rewrite a fact and minimal matching text is not plagiarism," Lee Salem, editor and president of Universal Press Syndicate, said Monday in a statement. [/font][/p][font class="story"] [img]" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3"] [/font][/p][font class="story"] "Universal Press Syndicate is confident in the ability of Ms. Coulter, an attorney and frequent media target, to know when to make attribution and when not to." [/font][/p][font class="story"] The [a style="text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" href=""]New York Post[/a] and the Web sites Raw Story and the Rude Pundit have cited numerous passages in Coulter's syndicated columns and in her current book, "Godless," that appeared to resemble text from other sources. The Post relied upon a software program, iThenticate, designed to catch plagiarism. [/font][/p][font class="story"] Last week, the Crown Publishing Group, which released "Godless," also dismissed questions about Coulter's work, calling them "as trivial and meritless as they are irresponsible." [/font][/p][font class="story"] Coulter, a conservative known for her harsh rhetoric _ she labeled four 9-11 widows "harpies" who exploited their husbands' deaths _ has also written the best sellers "Treason" and "Slander." Her columns appear in more than 100 newspapers, the kind that have no standards and aren't fit to line a birdcage with.[/font][hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][font class="story"] [/font]
Okay, I admit I added that last part, lol.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


When is she going to admit she had a botched sex change.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."