horror movies?

Started by Marik, Jul 10 06 06:16

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Can anyone here recommend good horror movies? (doesn't matter what language)  


The Ring. Get the Japanese version.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


i didnt see the japanese version of the ring but the english version wasnt that scary. ditto for the grudge.

  the best horror movie ive seen has to be the dukes of hazzard with jessica simpson.  


The English version was scary.... well, to me at least. I was at home by myself.... but horror movies are not my cup of tea. Me no likey get scared.

  Another one to try: The Exorcist. Some scary stuff there.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Whoops, forgot to say I've seen The Ring (jpn ver.)   The Exorcist? Lots of people said that movie isn't exactly scary...
If anyone's interested, I just downloaded + watched "audition" (japanese).  Not a bad movie... had some scary points + torture.  Kind of a combination of hostel and the ring. Go to www.isohunt.com and type in "audition".  Look for a title that mentions something about an uncut version. It has english subtitles.


minority report scared the crap out me when I saw it in the theatres.  Granted I saw it at the ten o'clock showing and thought people were after me for about 2 hrs after the movie ended.

  I live in a real life horror movie. I drive in super rich mansion nieghbourhoods at night. There is nothing scarier then a secluded nieghbourhood at night that is not lit properly. Plus the house's are so huge they cast long shadows.

  I also get scared reading harry potter books when the book goes into flashbacks and such. Mostly because I'm a visual spacial person and when I read the words basically come to life except I'm in it but I'm not the main character.  When I read a book its like watching Being John Malkovich, I'm seeing it through the main character.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Some Chick

I started to love horror when I was ten and started reading Edgar Allen Poe.  I would sneak out of my room to watch scary shows at night, and by the time I was 11 my mom would let me stay up alone, with my dog at my side, to watch the late night horror shows on weekends.

  By FAR the scariest movie I have seen is The Excorsist.  Get the re-release which has one scene that actually freaked the HELL out of me many years after having seen the first one.

  Also on my top list of favorites:  Seven, The Ring, Alien, The Shining (the blood pouring out of the elevators... omg), Pet Cemetary, SAW, Salem's Lot, Nightmare on Elm Street, Carrie, House on Haunted Hill, Blair Witch Project, Hellraiser, JAWS, Sixth Sense, Wolf Creek (truly one of the more horrifying I've ever seen and loosely based on real events)


I can't remember why, but years ago Blind Terror did it for me.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Thanks for all the suggestions! Keep 'em coming!
The Blair Witch Project? I watched that with some friends and we were laughing our ass off the whole time! Same with the Sixth Sense... I'm sick of seeing the kiddies in horror movies! The whole idea where kids are innocent or whatever... its over-used.

Some Chick

Blair Wich depends on who you are.  I like camping, I like making little movies, so I could see myself in it.  I could put myself in a tent with scary shit going on outside the thin material.  I totally freaked out about the kid's handprints on the walls of the house they went into, and then ... the rest.

  If you've ever tried to find your way out of the woods when you're lost, and find out how easily stuff like that could happen, then it's easier to suspend reality and let the movie take you where they wanted it to go.  I mean really, you could laugh at most of the scary shows on the list if you're of a mind.

  Sixth Sense had some scary ass moments.  Him in the tent, her ghost under the bed...  Bringing the unreal into a reality is a great recipe for a scary movie, and kids being the aggressor or the victim will always be the cheap way we are baited to watch.  Just like the promise of some gore and jump moments.  

  Dawn of the Dead makes me crack up.  


I don't see the point in horror films. Maybe its because I'm use to violence and gore on tv by watching the news. Seeing people try to stab each other doesn't help either. (went to school in a bad nieghbourhood).  So when I see horror movies today I see that they are trying to get a laugh.  And those M.Knight movies are too formulaic. The aliens or whatever do not like water in his movies.

As I said before I've seen to many beheadings on the internet to take horror seriously.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."

Some Chick

I had a friend send me a link to a beheading online and I went off on him big time.  I have never and will never view one.  It's one thing to see something and know that it's fake, it's another to witness an event that should be private — one's death.


Well yes I know for a fact that the Berg beheading was messed with. The video jumps right when Al Zarqari goes to hack at his neck, the audio goes a little off and there's no blood but apparently when someone gets there head chopped off blood doesn't go spewing all over the place like you'd think.

If these groups want to behead people just build a guillotine. Its more humane if you can call beheading someone humane.

  I've always believed that americans are used to violence because its in our culture.  Just name anything. My parents generation its was the Kennedy assasination which was live on tv.  When I was in Kindergarten I remember coming home to Waco. 4th grade Oklahoma City, 6th grad Columbine (they finally released the secruity video by the way don't want to see it). '93 World Trade Center, 9/11, Challenger.  I remember all those videos of the siege of Sarajevo.  I remember seeing the Russian Parliament being rocketed in Yelstien's coup de ta.  I remember Rwanda, IRA bombings, Madrid, Tiananmen Square.  I grew up watching the news. A lot of my generation missed out on what was going on in the world. I knew from early on what I was destined to do.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Here's everything I remember

born in '86

Tiananmen Square '89

Berlin Wall '89

Soviet Coup attempt in '91

World Trade Center Bombing '93

Siege of Waco - '93

Siege of Sarajevo

Oklahoma City

Atlanta Bombings (watched it live)






and today's attack in India

Missed a few but got the main ones.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


I never will forget this one.

  [img height=414 alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/T628776A.jpg" width=556 border=0]

A federal government building on fire, insane.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."