Does Herpes Virus in Pork cause Denerative Nerve Disease?

Started by Adam_Fulford, Jul 09 06 10:11

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 Multiple Sclerosis is a degenerative nerve disease.

A Canadian study reveals a significant relationship between multiple sclerosis and fat and meat (particularly pork) intake. The researchers point out that multiple sclerosis is rare in countries whose religious customs forbid the use of pork. (Medical Hypothesis 20:283-285, 1986)

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 [SPAN][FONT color=#00cc00][A href=""]Is Pork the Cause of Multiple Sclerosis?[/A][/FONT][/SPAN][SPAN]

[/SPAN][FONT color=#cc0000 size=+1][SPAN]What is Multiple Sclerosis?[/SPAN][/FONT][SPAN]
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[FONT color=#000099][SPAN]Multiple Sclerosis, more commonly referred to as MS, is a progressive disease of the nervous system. In a healthy person the nerve fibres are coated with a fatty substance, called the myelin sheath. In MS patients, this myelin coating is gradually broken down by inflamed nerve cells. As a result nerve signals to and from the brain are disrupted.[/SPAN][/FONT][SPAN]

[/SPAN][FONT color=#cc0000 size=+1][SPAN]Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis[/SPAN][/FONT][SPAN]
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[FONT color=#000099][SPAN]The symptoms of MS are not unlike those of diabetes and impending stroke victims. They include vision, balance, speech and urinary problems. In addition there could be mood changes, and muscle spasms.[/SPAN][/FONT][SPAN]

[/SPAN][FONT color=#cc0000 size=+1][SPAN]The HHV-6 Virus as an Immediate Cause
of Multiple Sclerosis.[/SPAN][/FONT]

[/SPAN][FONT color=#000099][SPAN]On November 24th 1997 there was a press release in which a Herpes Virus Strain, HHV-6, was identified as a "trigger" of MS. HHV-6 stands for Human Herpes Virus-6.

[/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=#000099][SPAN]"Scientists believe that there may be a point in time during the progression of MS when the virus, which lies dormant in the body for years, reactivates ...(and) that the reactivation of HHV-6 virus may be associated with the breakdown of the protective covering of nerves, called myelin."[/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=#000066][SPAN]

[/SPAN][/FONT][A href=""][FONT color=#990099][SPAN]Click here[/SPAN][/FONT][/A][A href=""][FONT color=#000066][SPAN] [/SPAN][/FONT][/A][FONT color=#000099][SPAN]to read the full press release[/SPAN][/FONT][FONT color=#000066][SPAN] [/SPAN][/FONT][A href=""][FONT color=#990099][SPAN]"Herpes Virus Strain Identified as a Trigger in Multiple Sclerosis"[/SPAN][/FONT][/A][FONT color=#000066][SPAN]
[A href=""][FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00"]CLICK HERE to read rest of article[/FONT][/A][/SPAN]



Which is ONE of many reasons why we never eat pork at our place.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Lise wrote:
Which is ONE of many reasons why we never eat pork at our place.

"We can't stop here. This is bat country."