Lol, I'm such a bastard

Started by TehBorken, Jul 06 06 10:36

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       I have another site where I sell...something. (No, it's not porn, lol.) The something is password protected and it's also little tricky to use. It's pirated widely but quite unsuccessfully due to the password and trickiness factor.

So, I get a fair number of [span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]folks[/span] thieves who have gotten their hands on a pirated copy and who then email me asking for the password because they "forgot it". Riiiiiiiiiiiight. They can't look at the original instructions to find the password (duh) because their dog ate it, or their house got struck by a meteorite, or it's Opposite Day, etc etc etc. You know, any excuse in the book.

I'l be honest: I f*ck with these people mercilessly, because I know they're pirating it. I know it for a fact. (No purchaser ID, no date of purchase, they can't tell me when or where they purchased it, etc etc etc. Plus it's licensed to a specific user and they don't even know that (which any legitimate buyer would know). So, knowing that, I put them through absolute friggin' hell, chortling all the while.

I've been *cough* "working" with one guy for several days now, telling him to try this, try that, click your heels together 3 times, reinstall it (lol), try this password, try that password, reinstall it a few more times, fiddle with your server settings (lololol). Amazingly enough, nothing seems to work. Gosh, it's so mysterious, lol.

He's going nuclear and having a major shit-fit because he's very, very, VERY frustrated right now. (lol). He's wasted a shitload of time trying to get it to work (with my "help", of course!).  He thinks he soooooo close to getting it working (mostly because I've told him that, lolololololol)

I dunno, maybe I'll have install it a few more times just for the hell of it. I think he'd paint his pecker blue and stick it in a light-socket if I swore that's what he needed to do.


I told him to download it again and install it fresh, and here is his incredibly lame-ass excuse as to why he can't do that:

[font style="font-style: italic; font-family: Arial Narrow;" face="Arial, Helvetica" size="3"] I dont have a fast internet speed. Can't use up my bandwidth to download them again. Sorry :( I put it on a different server and for some reason it got reset. What would be the password?[/font]

Lol, can't use up his bandwidth. That's tragic, and also stupid because it's a very small file, as files go. So I made up another bogus "Master Password" for him (lol), and golly, that one didn't work either:

[div style="font-family: Arial Narrow; font-style: italic;"]I'm using version X.X. Is that the correct password for it? [/div] [div style="font-family: Arial Narrow; font-style: italic;"]Thanks![/div] [div style="font-family: Arial Narrow; font-style: italic;"]P.S. You are much more helpful than some other company's support. Thanks.[/div]
LOL!!!!! I'll be back in a bit. I have to go "help" him some more.

The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


lololol....TehBorken,  you little imp.

  Delicious naughtyness.....rofl !!!!!
Sir Isaac Newton invented the swinging door....for the convenience of his cat.

Some Chick

Teh Borken sounds like the type of guy I like to date.  Evil in a fun way.


LOL TB.  I always knew you had a "bad" yet fun side to you.  


"We can't stop here. This is bat country."



  my password is on my other computer, i dont suppose you can post it on here so i can access it from this computer.


  i think the next thing you should tell him to do if format his computer and do a fresh install.  


What a little devil mite!!! Never knew you had that in you, TehBorken. *tsk tsk*
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.