Bad date stories

Started by purelife, Jun 30 06 03:15

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Some Chick

Raging Poodle! wrote:
 Too numerous to mention. [A onclick="addImg('icon/icon_smile_shy.gif')" href="jvascript:void(0)"][/A]

Most chicks in Van have little to no class, worldly knowledge or conversational skills. [/DIV]
 I thought we left these blanket generalizations at that "other place".

  As a single Vancouver woman, I can assure you I have been bored to tears, interrupted, insulted and basically shown why most of the men I am meeting remain single.

  I have had too many bad dates to list them all.  One that stands out though is one that lied about his looks/weight, cut down my job, and then had to keep trying different credit cards to pay a $40 tab.  I couldn't get away from him fast enough, nor he I.  I ended up paying (for myself) because at that time I wansn't evil enough to continue to watch him squirm and repeat over and over "there must be some mistake".

  Then there was the kayaking date where he first informed me that I was driving us to Jericho, and when we got on the water pretty much took off and left me alone to face three feet swells on my first time in a kayak.  That was unfun.  

  Oh and there's always the dive and thrust.  You go to kiss them on the cheek and they manage to suprise you with a liplock and tongue.

  Fuggin' ick.


I have  a horrable date story.  (more of a 2 day date.)

  So I met this guy through a friend it was her boyfriends cousin, we all met at a dance and my friend told me later that week that he thought I was "hot" and he wanted to go out. She buttered him up and said how great he was, I was 16 and he was 21 at the time. I agree and we chat over msn at our first date Ironicly 2 days proior to that I broke my knee. (Which I didn't think was broken at the time because they read the x-ray wrong and I never found out it was broken til 2 weeks later) We met at

school lunchtime and it seemed quite he was shy. Then after in the day  I met up with him and my friends at the nearest Tims, I left the crutches at home because I thought i should just walk it out because it 'wasn't' broken. First after getting complmented that I looked "better without the crutched' (Like I was using them as a fasion statement.) He gave me a braclet and a necklace of'his'. We went to the moves and the whole way there he held my hand, he wouldn't let it go for the life of him. At the movies he put his fingers in the necklace to 'drag' my head so it was on his shoulder and kept it there the whole movie I couldn't see anything. He had his arm around my waist the whole way back and when I told him I was going straight to bed he called 224 times that night.

The next day we get togeather and I already know I'm breaking up with him, he's clingy and we are all just walking around and he won't let go of my arm he's draging me. My friend Himitsu forsefully has to take my arm back, of which he hits her( I didn't see at the time) and takes my arm back.

Then when inside he's talking about marriage and tells me to tell my mom I will be going to my friends hosue next weekend, at which he replied " But you'll be coming to my house I have a huge bed." Okay breaking point. I make up a excuss to go home and avoid all his hundreds of phone calls and the next

day skip off to my friends hosue. He leaves that day( He didn't live around here, about 3 hour drive) and I told My friend I never wanted to see him again, at which he was told he called evryday for hours calling, and stalked me for about 3 months. *(sigh I know that was long but I felt like whineing about it. Lol)