Do women find accents sexy?

Started by Sportsdude, Jun 25 06 03:26

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Adam_Fulford wrote:
 I've got an accent, they say.  An odd accent.  [FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00"]Attracts insects.[/FONT]

Be sure to spray some insect repellent, okay.  I'd like to recommend those by Burt's Bees.  

Some Chick

If your accent attracts insects it might be a good time to uh... brush your teeth?  

  Or use some Muskol as a breath spray.  But Deet probably isn't all that refreshing.


As a highly sanitary individual, I brush and floss my teeth regularly.  But, what does that have to do with my accent??  

  Insects are ultra-sensitive to sounds, and when I discourse at length on topics of interest, a cloud of dragonflies, ladybugs, butterflies, and other bugs attracted by my accent are sure to be swooping around me.  


You know Adam, you make it wayyyy too easy for me (or anyone of us) to bug you.  LOL!  

  P.S.  What's your real last name?  You told us your first name but failed to mention your last.  



It does ensure that I consume enough protein, from accidentally ingesting bugs.

Some Chick

And probably a decent amount of roughage from the wings and legs.

Brent forgot his password

I think women are attracted to accents, sometimes foolishly,lol. Best wishes to all, hi to Yuki and the rest of you,been a while for me. Take care.