The Official Kiddie p0rn Database

Started by TehBorken, Jun 27 06 07:02

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Something tells me this won't end well. The idea is ineffective, the syatem is easily fooled, and the database will be a prime target of hackers and sleazebags. In the immortal words of my friend Jack, "What could possibly go wrong?"
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Several media companies are banding together to create a [a href=""]database of child pornography[/a] images to help law enforcement officials combat distribution of questionable material. In addition to the database several tools and new technologies are also planned but most notable is what some perceive as a willingness to cooperate which critics say has been lacking in the past.

From the article: "Each company will set its own procedures on how it uses the database, but executives say the partnership will let companies exchange their best ideas _ ultimately developing tools for preventing child-porn distribution instead of simply catching violations."
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.