PM offers apology to Chinese Head Tax

Started by Lise, Jun 23 06 08:57

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About time................................

     [DIV id=headline] [H2]PM offers $20,000, apology for head tax[/H2]

[DIV id=author] [P class=byline]BRIAN LAGHI

 [P class=source]From Thursday's Globe and Mail

 [UL class=columnistInfo][/UL]

[DIV id=article style="FONT-SIZE: 100%"] [!-- dateline --]OTTAWA [!-- /dateline --]— Prime Minister Stephen Harper will close a controversial chapter in Canadian history today by offering up to $20,000 to each of the people forced to pay the Chinese head tax who are still living.

 The move will come as Mr. Harper offers a formal apology to the 81,000 Chinese immigrants who shelled out a total of $23-million to enter Canada. A compensation package is also expected to be offered to widowed spouses of those who paid the tax, while a source added there will be a so-called national recognition program established for educational and cultural activities. Estimates of the cost of the overall program varied, although one source said it would top $30-million.

 Sources said the government has identified only 29 surviving victims of the tax. There are approximately another 250 or so widows.

 [DIV class="bigbox ad" id=boxR] [SCRIPT type=text/XXXXscript ads="1"]aPs="boxR";[/SCRIPT]  [SCRIPT type=text/XXXXscript]var boxRAC = fnTdo('a'+'ai',300,250,ai,'j',nc);[/SCRIPT]

The government expects that a few more may come forward at a later date.

 "There's no way to determine the total payout," said the source. "There may be 20 people that nobody's ever heard of who eventually come forward."

 One source said the government's package is based on one paid to Japanese Canadians who had been interned during the Second World War. That package saw payments of $21,000 to each of those affected still living. Another $12-million was set aside for the educational, social and cultural well-being of the community.

 The source said government officials had originally agreed to a compensation package of $18,000 a person, but raised that figure recently to $20,000.

 "Not everybody is going to be happy with it," the source said.

 One Conservative Party source said the government was paying as much as it could afford without incurring the anger of its conservative base of supporters, many of whom don't believe redress should be paid beyond those who were directly affected.

 Chinese immigrants began coming to Canada in the late 1850s during the rush for gold in British Columbia, but the real influx came between 1881 and 1885 to work on the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway.

 Soon after, the Canadian government imposed a head tax of $50 per person to limit immigration. The tax was later increased to $500, a massive amount at the time. The tax had the effect of splitting families and preventing wives and children from joining their husbands and fathers in Canada, many of whom had to take out loans to pay the tax.

 The tax was paid until 1923, when Canada banned Chinese immigration. That act was repealed in 1947.

 Mr. Harper will make his speech in front of a group of Chinese Canadians who have taken the train from as far away as British Columbia to be in attendance. The vast majority are descendants of those who paid the tax, although there will be a few surviving individuals as well.

 Heritage Minister Bev Oda and Jason Kenney, the Prime Minister's parliamentary secretary, crossed the country to meet with individuals of the Chinese community to discuss the redress package.

 Ms. Oda hinted yesterday that compensation would be paid out.

 "An apology will be made in the House and we will also be addressing appropriate acknowledgment," she said in the House of Commons.

 The government also plans to put aside $2.5-million in redress funds for members of other cultural communities.

 Those communities include Canadians of Italian and of Ukrainian origin, although the money is not expected to be spent on individual compensation, rather the cash will go toward community programs and education. Sources said Mr. Harper is also expected to acknowledge other events, including the turning back of a ship carrying hundreds of Sikhs, the Komagata Maru, in Vancouver in 1914.

 The money is part of a $25-million fund put aside by previous Liberal governments to deal with redress in a number of cultural communities.


 [FONT size=1]Source: [/FONT][A href=""][FONT size=1][/FONT][/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Yes its about time but he wasn't the first to say he was sorry for it. I believe Martin said something about it but didn't make it in fron of Parliament though. Anyway that was one of the saddest mistakes of the 2oth century.
"We can't stop here. This is bat country."


Hey, Lise, forgive my ignorance . . . has the Canadian government ever made reparations to Japanese Canadians for internment during WWII?  That was a big issue in the US in the 90s.    
fenec rawks!


Dissident wrote:
Hey, Lise, forgive my ignorance . . . has the Canadian government ever made reparations to Japanese Canadians for internment during WWII?  That was a big issue in the US in the 90s.
   I didn't know the answer to that.................. but I googled it, here's what I found.

    Sept. 22, 1988
[img height=4 alt="" src="" width=330 border=0]
[TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0] [TBODY] [TR] [TD vAlign=top] [P class=titreclip]Apology to Japanese Canadians


   [P class=play]Today, after 40 years, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney formally apologizes to Japanese Canadian survivors and their families. During the Second World War, 22,000 Japanese Canadians were uprooted from their homes, separated from their families and sent away to camps. Not one was ever charged with an act of disloyalty. Art Miki, of the National Association of Japanese Canadians, calls the apology and $300 million compensation package "a settlement that heals."

 [P class=play]Source: [A href=""][/A]

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


 Omigod, Peter Mansbridge looks like he's just out of high school in that clip . . .

Hey, thanks.  Looks like it was going on at the same time both countries.  I knew some Japanese-Americans who had been in the camps, so I remember hearing about the reparations in the US—but it was before I moved to Canada, so I didn't know what happened here.

What do you think global economic politics has to do with the situation?  After all, the reparations to Japanese-Americans and Japanese-Canadians happened well before the collapse of the Japanese economy and Japan was one of our major trading partners at that time.  Now that China has the economic bullwhip over us, the government is finally getting around to apologies to Chinese immigrants?

When is the Canadian government going to make apologise to [span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"]women [/span]of all races for withholding suffrage and property rights from them until after WWII?

fenec rawks!


I am happy that they're receiving a formal apology.  About time.  Now, has anybody discussed the situation in China at the time that drove them to go to Canada?

  China has gotten even.  They have head taxes on foreigners living there.  Tickets at parks and suchlike usually have two prices -- one for Chinese and one for foreigners.  Unless things have changed, foreigners can only live in super-expensive foreigner-designated places.


China has gotten even.  They have head taxes on foreigners living there.  Tickets at parks and suchlike usually have two prices -- one for Chinese and one for foreigners.  

somewhat one time prices differed for locals and foreign visitors (of any nationality).  

Unless things have changed, foreigners can only live in super-expensive foreigner-designated places.
Not true anymore.  It was only a few years ago if one was visiting a relative in China, the relative or the visitor was required to report/register with the local authority.

Sonya Blade

 [B type="text/XXXX script"]//[/B][NOSCRIPT][/NOSCRIPT]


Sonya Blade

You came too! Too bad it didn't work!


Borken, are ^ these two writing from the same IP?  [img onmousedown=travesmilie(this.src); height=16 src="" width=16]

They were like a couple of 4 yr. olds tonight. They made so much noise that everyone got fed up and left, then the damn board went down became inaccessable anyway.

*  Please unban me!! please please please  *