HOWTO protect yourself from cops when pulled over

Started by TehBorken, Jun 27 06 06:54

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 [h3]HOWTO protect yourself from cops when pulled over         [/h3]A former ACLU staffer has produced a great, 40-minute video on understanding your rights when you get pulled over by a cop.

I came across this "flex your rights" video which uses dramatizations with actors to illustrate how you can protect yourself using 4th, 5th, and 6th ammendment rights during commonplace encounters with police. The film seems pretty cheezy, but the info in it is great. The info conveyed in the film is extremely useful to avoid nasty searches, seizures, and mishaps which could land a well-meaning person in jail or just ruin their day.

[a href=""][/a]
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.