More Fighting on the Streets than Usual

Started by Adam_Fulford, Jun 22 06 01:27

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Recently, I've seen lots of fights breaking out in Vancouver.  More than usual.  This week alone, I saw two young women fight outside a car.  One of them fell onto the street, then was picked off the street and guided into the car, and they drove away.  I've also couple of fights between blokes over who-knows-what (simian minds are complex) outside a nightclub.  And just today two young guys shouted at each other and started pummeling at each other in the middle of the street.   I suspect that clusters of events like these have something to do the climate.  They are probably people prone to such kinds of behavior, and therefore more likely to be triggered by external factors such weather changes.  Not sure.  

  Why is it that no matter how much I sleep, or how much crap I take from others, or if I've had a little too much beer, I still have no desire whatsoever to attack someone??? None whatsoever.  Must be a certain principle that I picked up in the journey of my life (ironically, from a martial arts champion):  The degree to which one reacts to something is the value that one gives it.  If you don't bend down to pick up crap floating down the stream, why would you react to the garbage spewing from someone's mouth?


Lead the zen-life, brother. And don't forget to include lotsa sex in your love life.

  I don't argue with ppl too much. There's wayyy to much negative energy and I can do so much more with my life. If there's one thing about having a kid, it's taught me that I've got to be patient and don't sweat on the small things in life.
Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


[A href="jvascript:insert_sticker_code_main('8S', 'replyArea')"][img alt=8S src="" border=0][/A] Adam, I take it you don't live in Shaughnessy?
*  Please unban me!! please please please  *


Raging Poodle! wrote:
 [A href="jvascript:insert_sticker_code_main('8S', 'replyArea')"][img alt=8S src="" border=0][/A] Adam, I take it you don't live in Shaughnessy?

Why's that? Can't say I know anything about Shaughnessy, but  I live in a good 'hood.  Penthouse suite right by the ocean, but incidents still happen.  People are regular storm-bottles.