Interesting to note that these types of news first show up in the Canadian Press. [img onmousedown=travesmilie(this.src); height=32 src="vny!://" width=32]
[A href="vny!://;_ylt=AuVeZsX6uFAmd0U5joMEBLvFM1IB;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA--"]Man who jumped White House fence says Bush told him to do it[/A] Canadian Press - [SPAN class=timedate]Fri Feb 17, 8:13 PM ET[/SPAN] WASHINGTON (AP) - A man who claimed to have a cellphone implanted in his head was convicted Friday of jumping a White House fence in a bid to meet former president Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea.