Man, I swear this intarweb thing is outta control. I wanted to whomp up a quick [a href="vny!://"]sudoku[/a] site because even though I'm not into it a bunch of my friends have become utterly addicted. So, I started looking for 'sudoku' domain names and of course they're all taken, even the really, really crappy ones.
People have registered some 'sudoku' domain names that are downright awful, plus alllllll the good ones. My brain is old and dried up so it's hard for me to come up with good domain names on the best of days, but this is just too friggen much. The worst part is that a lot of these a**holes aren't doing anything with the domains, they're just squatting on them hoping that some sucker will pay $5000 for 'em.
Lol, I'm about ready to quit and become a house painter.
"" is still available, but it'll probably be gone in a day or so. Mark my words....