Dissident wrote: Gay neighbours of mine here hang rainbow flags on their living room walls, but not in their windows or on their balconies, because they're "afraid of being shot at", as they put it.
The story you posted is heart wrenching.
But if I may twist this topic a bit......I have to say, although I have ZERO problem with homosexuality, I've never understood the need to 'celebrate' my sexuality with parades, banners and flags. To hang a flag on my balcony to announce what I'm doing in the bedroom is ludicrous to me. This is contradictory to the live and let live philosophy.....it's seems more of an 'In your FACE' action that does nothing to serve their right to live harmoniously in society.
The whole 'Gay Pride' thing is annoying to me....pride should come from how you live in society....are you thoughtful, kind, helpful, ambitious, compassionate, hard working etc ? These are the qualities one could feel proud of.....not from something that is merely a 'genetic difference'. Spending more time becoming a great human being would be be far more beneficial than 'challenging' (demanding) that the world accept you on nothing more than being gay. I've never had a sense of pride derived from being nothing more than heterosexual.....what a strange expectation.
I wonder if I'm alone with this thought.