Sportsdude wrote:
[div style="font-style: italic;"]You just love to hate Microhacked don't you TB.[/div]
No, I use Windows- I have to at the moment because I have to see things through the eyes of my clients/users/audience. But yes, I love to hate Microsoft. All of my servers run Red Hat Linux, however, and that's not going to change.
You must be an Apple guy. No, I can't be a Macintosh user; my parents were married.

Badda-bing, badda-boom! (Cue the indignant Mac users with torches and's just a
joke, people- please don't hate me for it!)
That's the problem with "goin' for the joke", people will always get pissedoff about it. Remind me to tell you the "Blood is thicker than water" story sometime. Yeah, I paid for that one....