[h3] DIY Impeachment [/h3] [a href="vny!://beingism.org/"][/a] [blockquote]Impeach Bush yourself! This is much more than just a petition. There's a little known and rarely used clause of the in the rules for the House of Representatives which sets forth the various ways in which a president can be impeached. Only the House Judiciary Committee puts together the Articles of Impeachment, but before that happens, someone has to initiate the process. [/p]That's where we come in. In addition to the State-by-State method, one of the ways to get impeachment going is for individual citizens like you and me to submit a memorial. ImpeachforPeace.org has created a new memorial based on one which was successful in impeaching a federal official in the past. You can find it on their website as a PDF. [/p]You can initiate the impeachment process yourself by [a href="vny!://impeachforpeace.org/ImpeachNow.html"]downloading the memorial[/a], filling in the relevant information in the blanks (your name, state, etc.), and sending it in. [/p]More information on the precedent for submitting an impeachment memorial, and the House Rules on this procedure, can also be found at the above address. [/p]If you have any doubts that Bush has committed crimes warranting impeachment, read [a href="vny!://impeachforpeace.org/evidence/"]this page[/a]. [/p]If you're concerned that impeachment might not be the best strategy at this point, read the bottom of [a href="vny!://impeachforpeace.org/"]this page[/a].[br clear="all"][/p][/blockquote] [br clear="all"][a href="vny!://impeachforpeace.org/ImpeachNow.html"]Link[/a]