ThePirateBay Strikes Back

Started by TehBorken, Jun 01 06 10:08

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  [span class="blue24BU"]ThePirateBay Strikes Back[/span][span class="br1"]
[/span][span class="reg11B"] June 1, 2006[/span][span class="br1"]
[/span][span class="reg9U"]Thomas Mennecke[/span]
[tbody][span class="reg12"]Great cheers of jubilee echoed in the entertainment Halls of Justice yesterday, confident of their victory against the great Satan, [a href=""][/a], as many are aware, was perhaps the largest BitTorrent tracker in history. Although it was regarded as little more than a pillar of piracy by the entertainment industry, it provided a simple avenue and interface for artists to release creative commons work to the P2P crowd. [/span]
[td align="center" width="150"][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][span class="reg12"]This world came crumbling down on May 31, 2006. Seemingly immune from copyright infringement prosecution in their native Sweden, police from the National Crime Unit executed raids against the Internet Service Provider Rex|Port 80 and web host PRQ.
 After the successful execution of the raids, the entertainment industry's media machines went into full force. The MPA (Motion Picture Association) claimed Swedish Authorities had "sunk the Pirate Bay." The IFPI (International Federation and Phonographic Industry) also clamored the raids, stating "This is a very good development for the Swedish music industry and for the real innovators and entrepreneurs who are trying to build a legal online digital business." Antipiratbyrån, the Swedish anti-piracy bureau, also expressed its satisfaction after a long string of copyright enforcement impotence.
 So now that is offline, the celebration can go into high gear, right?
 Remember we're dealing with file-sharing, the ubiquitous hydra that simply cannot die no matter how many press releases you throw at it. If you destroy one file-sharing network, another will take its place. Remove ten BitTorrent indexing sites, 20 more will pick up the slack. is no different, but in holding true to their nature as defiant to the entertainment industry, this BitTorrent tracker and indexer is scheduled to return within two days.
 Although all tracking and indexing abilities are currently offline, domain is still functioning. For the last 36 hours, it has been providing various updates on the raids and status of its administration. And true to their nature as being defiant in the face of the entertainment industry,'s days are far from over.
 In large, bold text, the following text is scrolled mid-screen:
 Yesterday, spokesperson "brokep" informed "we are moving it to another country if necessary." It appears is making good on this promise. Carl Lundström, president of Rix|Port80 told "As I take it, they have bought new servers, installed back-ups and are already up and running tests in at least one foreign server centre."
 It seems once again the entertainment industry is about to shoot itself in the foot, unable to stop the global spread of file-sharing. Considering the speed in which is scheduling its return, (which requires a substantial amount of logistics, organization, leadership, and not to mention equipment), it would appear they were well prepared for this event. The same cannot be said about the entertainment industry.[/span][span class="br5"]
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


Seems like the Swedish government is cracking down on this whole file sharing thing. At one of the websites I go to, the Admin there also got a warning from the Swedish government, and the police paid a visit to his home. (they couldn't prove anything though)