BLECH. How utterly gross is this?
[B style="FONT-SIZE: 14px"]LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- An online casino has a piece of Capt. Kirk.[/B]
Actor William Shatner has sold his kidney stone for $25,000, with the money going to a housing charity, it was announced Tuesday.
Shatner reached agreement Monday to sell the stone to
"This takes organ donors to a new height, to a new low, maybe. How much is a piece of me worth?" he said in a telephone interview. ([A href="jvascript:cnnVideo('play','/video/showbiz/2006/01/18/hammer.william.shatner.interview.cnn','2006/01/25');"][FONT color=#000099]Watch what else Shatner said comes with the stone -- 1:56[/FONT][/A])
More details: [A href=""][/A]