Porn Star wants to become Nevada's next governator

Started by Lise, May 22 06 09:13

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Her slogan: Always bare an honest

  Mimi Miyaki (aka Melody Damayo) wants to become Nevada's next governor. Ah heck. It's a free country right??

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Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry.
Bill Cosby.


Well, a porn star got herself elected to the Italian Parliament back in the 80s, and a few years ago was trying to mount a campaign for the mayoral race in Milan.  It's no crazier than Jesse Ventura . . .  
fenec rawks!


 [H1 class=firstHeading][FONT size=3]I heard the residents of Sausalito were happy with this mayor [/FONT][/H1] [H1 class=firstHeading] [/H1] [H1 class=firstHeading]Sally Stanford[/H1] [DIV id=bodyContent] [H3 id=siteSub]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/H3] [DIV id=contentSub]

[DIV id=jump-to-nav]Jump to: [A href=""]navigation[/A], [A href=""]search[/A][/DIV][!-- start content --] Sally Stanford ([A title="May 5" href=""]May 5[/A], [A title=1903 href=""]1903[/A][A title="February 1" href=""]February 1[/A], [A title=1982 href=""]1982[/A]) was a madam, restaurateur, and the [A title=Mayor href=""]mayor[/A] of [A title="Sausalito, California" href=""]Sausalito, California[/A].

 Born Mabel Busby in [A title="Baker City, Oregon" href=""]Baker City, Oregon[/A] in [A title=1903 href=""]1903[/A], she came to [A title="San Francisco" href=""]San Francisco[/A] in [A title=1924 href=""]1924[/A]. She eventually ran a famous bordello at 1144 Pine Street on the flanks of Nob Hill in a house built by Stanford White (since demolished).

 In [A title=1950 href=""]1950[/A], she opened the Valhalla restaurant in Sausalito. She ran six times for Sausalito City Council and finally won in [A title=1972 href=""]1972[/A], was vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, a Little League sponsor and in [A title=1976 href=""]1976[/A], was re-elected with a majority that made her mayor at the age of 72.

 Stanford died of a heart attack at age 78, in Marin General Hospital, on [A title="February 1" href=""]February 1[/A], [A title=1982 href=""]1982[/A].

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 [H2]Famous quote[/H2] "Madaming is the sort of thing that happens to you—like getting a battlefield commission or becoming the dean of women at Stanford University."



'Madaming'? Never heard this expression before - it's a good one.
A fool's paradise is better than none.


Porn stars are people too.
 Just psychologically damaged ones, in most cases.
one must be intelligent to get intelligent answers.
— bebu