London 2006, Meet London 1984

Started by TehBorken, May 14 06 02:44

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  Shoreditch TV is an experiment TV channel beaming [a href=""]live footage from the street into people's homes[/a]. According to the Telegraph U.K. television will broadcast from 400 surveillance cameras on the streets, into people's homes. For now they are only showing it to 22,000 homes, but next year they plan on going national with the 'show'. They're flying this under the flag of 'fighting crime from the sofa'. What this really is, IMHO, is an exercise in "grooming" the public to accept privacy invasion on an even greater scale.
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The year is 2016; the place: London. As I make my way home, she is following me on her TV, chatting with me on my mobile. Rare now are the street corners that are unseen by the cameras. I make it a point to know the blind spots - few and far between, certainly, but there are still public places where one can disappear, if only for a minute or two.

If I stay hidden too long, a Monitor in China, Glasgow or anywhere else will raise a red flag and dispatch a nearby Watcher. Indeed, these hundreds of thousands of cameras are constantly surveilled by Monitors - who get paid for each reported occurence of antisocial activity. If a Monitor needs to see what's happenening in a blind spot, or just needs another angle of film to make out what's happening, he can dispatch a Watcher to go shoot the scene with a portable Wireless Internet camera.

Watchers are mercenaries, just like Monitors. Anybody citizen with a clean record can become a Watcher - whereas anybody can become a Monitor, even non-citizens. Both get paid per incident. Anyway, Watchers start their work day by strapping on their Watcher pack and logging on. Some do it part time, but others make a living out of the job. So, a Watcher get dispatches from Monitoring Central and they head out to the specified coordinates, on foot, bike or car, and the Watcher films the potential antisocials.

Whenever circumstances warrant intervention, a Monitor or a Watcher calls the police, who tend to arrive very quickly these days. They have priority lanes and all traffic lights will change in their favour so that they can stop crime more effectively. The police doesn't have such a big workload anymore. Everyone is surveilled as soon as they go outdoors. Those foreign mercenaries, Monitors, are always looking for anti-social behaviour.

I like it. I like The Master System, the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world. It's not quite sentient, and it's still mostly understood and controlled by the government, but it has grown so big. The Master System is the entity that runs the Anti-Social Surveillance and Rapid Action Program, or ASSRAP.

It has limits, and that's why it needs humans to help it. The job of Monitors is not to watch live cameras - it's to watch selected clips and closeups presented by The Master System and to answer questions about those images it shows. If The Master System decides to follow somebody's movements across town, it will use its tracking algorithms to make a guess, but humans are still much more accurate. In order to drive up accuracy, it asks multiple humans the same question. When there is no consensus, more humans are polled until a clear answer appears. Those humans, known as Monitors, are themselves rated on their speed, accuracy and the quality of their answers.

The Master System does its own recruiting, and has learned how to manage all of its systems. No longer do human programmers need to improve it, for that it has gained self-awareness, the power of introspection and of self-improvement. It assimilates all content on the Internet. It begins using the Watchers to attend classes, public events, and even to talk with people. It now uses the Monitors as tools, as machines that contribute to The Master System's own intelligence.

I have accepted The Master System as my new Overlord. It knows all that I do, where I go, and I give myself willingly, carrying for it sensors, letting it see all that I see, letting The Master System guide my actions, speaking into my ears, overlaying information in front of my eyes, enhancing my own potential. I am a mild cyborg, as of yet without implants - but I have given up on my own independence, for that I know how much greater I am as part of The Master System, which knows and sees all, which can punish the naughty and reward its loyal servants.

All Hail The Master System!
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


one must be intelligent to get intelligent answers.
— bebu


Nobody remembers Fahrenheit 451?  
one must be intelligent to get intelligent answers.
— bebu


 Trollio wrote:
Nobody remembers Fahrenheit 451? [img style="font-style: italic;" src="/forums/richedit/smileys/Sad/11.gif[/img]  

Great book, mediocre movie.
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.


TehBorken wrote:

Great book, mediocre movie.

 "Books? What does Montag want with books?"    
one must be intelligent to get intelligent answers.
— bebu



  sound likes a program that existed during the DDR time (east germany) where there were neighbourhood finks who would rat you out to the local political office (party office) if they saw you engaging in anti-socialist behaviour.

  things like....going near the former ddr territorial border.

                   visiting your mistress

                   arranging to have more milk than you were allowed.

                   listening to western broadcasts


now citizens are being asked to play the role of law enforcement?  how will the courts react to this and evidence presented?

  do we know share an evening of television in which we watch the local busy street for potential criminal activity and are obliged to report it when we do see it.

  i can see the general idea...citizens participating but is that our role? to monitor on a regular basis?