Also known as "the Slashdot effect". A zillion people click through to your link and the server responds by hacking up a hairball.
Actually the Linux boxes I use for servers are amazingly hardy little beasts. I have one that's been up for 280 days without a reboot and that's only because they had a power failure last year. Linux rocks.
[img alt="vny!://" src="vny!://"]
"Tux", the Linux mascot.
And here you see the Windoze mascot, "Wormy", chasing his newest playmate:
[img alt="vny!://" src="vny!://"]
For Windows VISTA they're renaming him to "Infecto".
(BTW, did you know that "VISTA" stands for the key components of Windows: Viruses, Infections, Spyware, Trojans, and Adware.)
But I digress.