Okay, you all have probably heard some strange requests, but this one may qualify as one of the odder ones...
What I need are pictures of.....elbows. Yes,
elbows, with the arm bent. I can't say for what just yet, but it'll be fun.

No, I do not have an elbow fetish, it's for a project.

See the sample pic below for an idea of what I need. I can't use elbows with hair unless it's easily airbrushed out. I'd prefer pictures of women's elbows similar to the one below.
The bigger the picture the better (it's easy to reduce them, more difficult to enlarge them). Finally, if at all possible, they need to be against a more-or-less featureless background (like in the samples below).
I know, this sounds...well I don't know
what it sounds like, but rest assured it's not for anything nasty. Please post 'em here or send them to me in a Private Message.

[span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 191);"]Thanks![/span]