OpenStreetMap project to free the Isle of Wight!

Started by TehBorken, May 04 06 08:54

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 [h3][font style="font-weight: normal;" size="2"]Kick-ass idea!!!! Now look for them to be labeled 'terrorists' or 'copyright thieves'. [/font]
[/h3][hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"][h3]OpenStreetMap project to free the Isle of Wight!         [/h3]This coming weekend the OpenStreetMap project is gathering on the Isle of Wight, off the south of the UK.

Armed with their GPS devices, this band of 30+ enthusiastic amateurs plan to map the whole of the Island, demonstrating how easy it is to create copyright-free maps and not have to be at the mercy of commercial organisations like the Ordnance Survey with their insanely high fees.

All collected data will be available under Creative Commons. Clearly the more people who turn up, the better the results will be, so one last push for getting more to come along is going on.  It's not every day that you get to overthrow a UK government agency. Well, the Ordnance Survey mapping part of it anyway.

[a href=""]Link[/a]  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.