My LCD monitor got *really* bright all by itself during the evening, then sometime during the night it bled out and crashed. RIP. So I'm off to somewhere to buy a new one, or maybe even two and a dual-head video card. (MWUHAHAHAHAHA!) The old 18" one was a steal 5 or 6 years ago at $850 but I see new ones that are even larger for less than half that. And we all know bigger is better, right?
The little voice in my head is chanting "
buy two, buy two, get a dual-head video card.. . .". (The voices in most people's heads tell them to kill, mine tell me to buy computer hardware.)
So....will our Fearless Hero withstand his lustful urges to buy two monitors, or will he succumb to the Dark Side? Stay tuned for the next thrilling adventure of
Some Guy Without A &*#@! Monitor!