Right, here's the list. I may have forgotten one or two -I've also decided not to include the weeds. All of these plants are flowering at the moment, however some of them are at the end of their season.
Wall flower (Cheiranthos), Dicentra, Leopard's Bane (Dornicum), Euphorbia, Helleborus, Meconopsis cambrica, Primula Vulgaris, Primula auricula (two varieties, one yellow, one plum), numerous other primulae, Fritillaria imperialis, Armeria, Forget-me-nots, Convallaria, Hyancinths, pink, blue, red, white and cream), Naricssi (several varieties) Muscari, Scilla, Grape Hyacinths, Tulips, Endymion non-scriptus, Allium triqentrum, Lunaria, Forsythia, Vinca major and Mahonia.