What fun: be an 18th century English criminal

Started by TehBorken, Apr 20 06 09:37

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Explore the life of 18th century [a href="http://www.umich.edu/%7Eece/student_projects/crime2/home.html"]English criminal[/a], à la choose your own adventure.[/p]    [blockquote][em]You Have Chosen to Incite a Riot[/em][/p]    [em]You are a textile worker in a small village a two day's trip from London. The recent harvest has produced much less than was previously expected ... you won't be able to afford food for your family![/em][/p]    [em]You organize a meeting that is attended by most of the town ... You decide that there are two options afforded to you. First, you can organize a price riot where you all determine a "fair" price for grain and then, with threats of violence, force the farmers to set the price there ... Secondly, you could simply blockade and seize the shipment of grain that is leaving town and distribute that grain to everyone. [/em][/p]    [em]Do you: [/em][/p]    [em]A. Form a Price Riot
B. Start a Blockade[/em][/p][/blockquote][em][a href="http://www.umich.edu/%7Eece/student_projects/crime2/home.html"]http://www.umich.edu/%7Eece/student_projects/crime2/home.html[/a]
[/em][/p][blockquote] [/blockquote]  
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.