Nanaimo Bait Cars Work

Started by TehBorken, Apr 20 06 08:31

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  [h2 class="title"][a href="" title="Video:  I was caught by a bait car!"]Video:  I was caught by a bait car![/a][/h2][a href=""][img]" border="0" height="165" width="220"][/a] [a href=""][img]" border="0" height="165" width="220"][/a][/p][a href=""][/a][/p]       **** to view video, click on photo and scroll to bottom of article *****[/p]This is the story of Darren, a reformed car thief who agreed to an interview for after he was captured by an IMPACT bait car. Darren did not conduct this interview to build his own notoriety, in fact, the oposite is true. He did it educate the public about the true extent of the problem and to prevent other young people from making the same mistakes he did - namely, drug experimentation that lead to two addictions: crystal meth and car theft.[/p]Darren first tried crystal meth when he was 15-years-old and by the age of 17 this destructive drug had a powerful hold on his life. He used the drug in the rave scene, but after he was taught how to steal cars by a meth trafficker, he began using them to transport stolen property from apartment storage locker break-ins, mail thefts, and theft from vehicles. Darren states that he has stolen hundreds of cars which in itself became a second addiction where he stole "for the rush".[/p][a href=""][/a]

[em]Auto theft in Nanaimo has dropped by 17% in the three month period since the bait car program was launched throughout Vancouver Island on April 1, 2005. Auto theft in Victoria, British Columbia's capital, has dropped by 36% over the same period compared to the same three month period in 2004.[/em]
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.