The Police have pretty cool motor scooters. Once in a while I would see a scooter shoot by with 2 or 3 bandit girls on it. "Bandit girls" wear hankerchiefs over their faces like a mask and they always looked like they were fleeing the scene of a crime. Sure enough, a minute or two later a policeman would come along on his scooter appearing to look around for them but he made sure he was never going fast enough to actually be in any danger of catching up to them. I tried to get pictures of the bandit girls several times but they were always too fast. Once I saw a bandit girl at a stoplight and raised my camera but she gave me a "don't-do-that" look that felt like an icepick going up my butt so I decided not to take her picture. ![]()
These are some typical houses, notice how skinny they are, only about 10 feet across. I don't know why they make them so narrow. Fat American people (like my uncle Bob) would have to go outside just to turn around.
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