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Messages - tenkani

Good morning, dude.[/DIV]What is your favourite odour?

"tenkani's luch today is hanging"  OMG meat?
[FONT size=4]Third!![/FONT]
IMO the last thing we need is another run-of-the-mill Washington insider like Hillary.

When you're heading towards disaster, I don't think it pays to elect someone who's too gutless to change the status quo in any real sense. From my perspective, these are America's most pressing problems:

1. We desperately need campaign finance reform on a fundamental level. The only way to permanently disentangle legalized bribery from politics is to institute PUBLICALLY FUNDED CAMPAIGNS and punish those who tamper with our elections as we would violent criminals. IMO it is on a par with treason.

2. We need to set aside our naive ideology and acknowledge the facts about Iraq. We must disengage immediately. Return home and shift the resources that would be going towards that failed campaign (the latest estimates suggest it may cost a total of 2 TRILLION dollars once all the secondary costs are factored in) to domestic spending to improve our schools and... 3. WE NEED A DRAMATIC REFORM OF OUR MEDICAL/INSURANCE SYSTEM. Something like 43 million Americans (including 10 million kids) are completely uninsured. Many more are only partially insured, and would still be financially devastated by serious illness. Pre-existing condition clauses are the most disgusting thing about the whole mess. "Oh, you're sick. Well then you don't qualify for insurance". And don't get me started on the cost of pharmaceuticals and our restrictions on buying Canadian drugs. Bah! Ok, enough ranting. But I do have to ask, does Hillary have the political will to really tackle even ONE of these issues? In the past, her proposed solution to the medical crisis was a pathetic and meager compromise with medical special interests. She has never impressed me as someone who's willing to challenge the status quo. If the demos really do choose her, I will definitely make a noise.    
Yeah, that.[/DIV]Also, DV still has more moist ribaldry.
Muchas gracias, senor kits.
Oops! I posted again!!    
Yeah, I still screw around on DV occasionally so I don't consider myself a refugee, since I haven't actually left DV yet.
It has its purpose.
LOL. I think even your turd emote could do a better job as prez than the monkey we have right now...
Walk in Xenu's light, sister    *hugs*
*waiting for it*[/DIV]*sigh* Ok, I can't resist.  He went to shit and the hogs ate him.
I would say "if the dems are stupid enough to run Hillary I'm going to lose all faith in them", except that I lost all faith in them years ago.

The U.S. is a faux democracy, run by the Republicrat party. No one will vote for an alternative because they're afraid of "wasting" their vote. Meh!
"Funny how this thing has been upgraded already and DV hasn't."

Quoted for truth.
Allo, P.C.    

How's your Monday going?